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Evaluating Sanders' Argument that "We Must Make Public and Universities Free"

Essay Instructions:


Your purpose for Essay 2 is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of an argument. This assignment will help you think critically about the writing of others and also help you to better craft your own essays and arguments.


Carefully read the argument assigned for this essay (Sanders' "We Must Make Public Colleges and Universities Free"). You will analyze the arguments presented and write an essay evaluating their effectiveness. You will want to identify the important types of evidence used (fact, statistics, testimony, hypothetical examples, and analogies) and evaluate the strength of the major claims based on that evidence. While it would be impossible to cover every piece of evidence in the essay in great depth, the more major issues you address, the more convincing your evaluation will be. You will also want to point out non-rational persuasive methods (humor, irony, emotional appeals, etc.) as well as logical fallacies and include analysis of those elements in your overall judgment. Discussion of Sanders' tone, diction, attitude and other issues of style are also relevant.

Be careful to avoid praising or denigrating the essay simply because you agree or disagree with the point of view presented. You must separate the effectiveness of the arguments from your feelings and opinions about the issue presented. Also, you will need to weed out the non-rational appeals from the logical ones—reason and logic are the core of an effective argument, and a paper which relies too heavily on manipulating the emotions of the reader is flawed, even if potentially effective. That is not to say that a good argument should have no emotional appeals, but rather that if those appeals are the major tools the author uses, that suggests a weak logical stance.

Using the SPACE CAT Analysis Tool is useful for this assignment, as is perusing the Evaluation Links and examining the examples of analysis from our text, and our own Evaluation Example.


Papers will be assessed based on the criteria outlined in the Assessment Standards. Specifics, detail, and careful evaluation will be critical to your success.


The final draft of your summary should be at least 3 pages long. The finished draft must be typed (double spaced, 12 pt. Times font) in MLA format. Turn in your rough draft to the appropriate discussion thread in your group; turn in your final draft to this assignment folder.



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Evaluating Sanders' Argument that "We Must Make Public and Universities Free"
Bernie Sanders' article titled "Bernie Sanders: We Must Make Public Colleges and Universities Tuition-Free" raises several arguments supporting free tuition for college students. The article that was posted on Vice Magazine on October 9, 2017, is a highly opinionated piece that seeks to persuade readers to support free education in public colleges and universities across the country. In the article, Bernie Sanders argues that the cost of tertiary education in the US has soared up beyond many American families' reach (Sanders). In his view, student debt is also beyond imaginable proportions. As a result of these developments, the country's education standards have fallen short of expectations compared to other countries such as Japan, Australia, South Korea, England, Canada, Ireland, and Switzerland that have established functional education systems (Sanders). Therefore, Sanders argues that the only way to restore America's lost glory in education is by making public colleges and universities tuition-free. The argument raised by Bernie Sanders in the article is highly persuasive because of his ability to incorporate different types of evidence, persuasive rhetorical techniques, appropriate diction, and an assertive tone that espouses his confidence in his claims.
One strategy that Sanders uses to make his argument effective is evidence to support his claims. Throughout the article, Bernie Sanders incorporates different types of evidence to back up his arguments. For example, he uses statistical evidence to substantiate his claim that student loans have left many students and their families in debt (Sanders). None instance, he points out that, "Some 44 million Americans already owe more than $1.3 trillion in student loans (Sanders)." This statistical evidence helps to make his claim credible. He also uses factual evidence when referring to the progress made by other countries in education. For example, he states that "Many other nations worldwide invest in an educated workforce that isn't burdened with enormous student debt (Sanders)." This statement of fact is further substantiated by the examples of prosperous countries in managing their public education.
Bernie Sanders also uses persuasive rhetorical techniques in the article to make his argument more convincing. He uses various rhetorical strategies to appeal to his audience persuasively. He makes use of the ethos rhetorical strategy, which is the appeal to authority. As an experienced politician, Sanders keeps refe...
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