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Video Games and Learning

Essay Instructions:

Please Be sure 5 full pages, follow the instructions and format. ALL the evidence must come from the CQ Researcher Article. No matter if you direct quote, or paraphrase the evidence, you must provide which person or organization states this evidence and the page number.

Don’t write me essay so esoteric! Be sure to easy understand! Thank you!

Civic Argument/Persuasive Essay Instructions . Minimum Page Requirements ): 5-6 pages Double-Spaced, MLA Formatting and Citations, Time New Roman 12 pt Font, The essay’s topic: Video Games and Learning I) Paragraph #1: Introductions: Start with a hook, meaning a sentence that is engaging to get the reader’s attention, then summarize the Research Topic, provide some background (comes from the CQ Researcher Article), help the reader understand the importance and controversy of the issue. Then write the thesis. In this paragraph, the last sentence is the thesis, it must be this: I believe the use of Video Games and Gaming in the classroom can be beneficial to students because Video Games can enhance critical thinking, can lead to better interest in learning and subject areas, and can help improve students' social skills. II) Body paragraph #2 - # 8 (At least One direct quote Per body paragraph from the CQ Researcher Article, and ALL the evidence must come from the CQ Researcher Article. No matter if you direct quote, or paraphrase the evidence, you must provide which person or organization states this evidence and the page number. Paragraph #2: Start with the first main supporting point - can enhance critical thinking. then provide evidence to support this main point. Paragraph #3: Continue to provide evidence to support the first main supporting point. Paragraph #4: Start with the second main supporting point - can lead to better interest in learning and subject areas. then provide evidence to support this main point. Paragraph #5: Continue to provide evidence to support the second main supporting point. Paragraph #6: Start with the third main supporting point - can help improve students' social skills, then provide evidence to support this main point. Paragraph #7:Continue to provide evidence to support the third main supporting point. Paragraph #8: introduce the counter-argument (the opposing view of the third main point) and answer the counter-argument. III) Paragraph #9: Conclusion: summarize the paper, restart and paraphrase the three main points, and the contribution of this argument, a call to action, possible solutions. Remember !!! Don’t write the essay so esoteric! Be sure to easy understand!

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Video Games and Learning
Education is one of the professional fields in that technology is revolutionizing its processes and means of engagement. Video games’ popularity has surged with an estimated $61 billion in sales globally in 2015 (Ault 145). The most common video games “Candy Crush” and “Call of Duty” have been most played by most Americans. The popularity of video gaming has compelled teachers to embrace video games, using them to teach various subjects, including history, geography, and math. From a developer’s perspective, video gaming practice helps mediate stroke conditions, improve attention skills among children, and boost cognitive capability in adults. On the other end, teachers feel that video gaming allows students to understand learning activities and changes the perception about certain subjects perceived to be challenging, such as mathematics. However, despite the positive gains highlighted, some group is skeptic about video gaming in schools anchoring on the notion that this culture will leave out the majority of female later negatively affecting education as video gaming is steadily being adopted in schools. I believe video games and gaming in the classroom can be beneficial to students because video games can enhance critical thinking, lead to a better interest in learning and subject area, and improve students’ social skills.
Video Gaming as Tool for Enhancing Critical Thinking
Students are presented with different information in school that some need creativity to complete. Video games have come in handy as a tool that makes students think outside the box and come up with appropriate solutions. Ault concedes that “games give children autonomy and agency, helping them design their solutions, collaborate with friends and create natural affinity group that helps bring learning alive outside the classroom” (148). In essence, games provide massive information to a student. The information can then be used to build on the existing information. In turn, it stimulates a student to try to imitate what has been relayed in the video. For example, a student may decide to develop an idea, such as coming up with a program similar to the video.
Further, critical thinking is advanced by students’ desire to put skills into action. Vault argues that watching games compel students to “…frequently modify the game’s code to make “Minecraft” whatever they want it to be” (154). For example, a programming student is more likely to borrow ideas from video games and try to replicate some program or generally develop a new program slightly different from the one seen but with the same functions. A perfect example of this creativity from watching video games is a student developing a program similar to a calculator or a timer that can be used to simplify activities in school and home environments. The main force driving a student to develop innovations is thinking about how best to ease and streamline processes for a better future.
Video Gaming in bettering interest in Learning and Subject Areas
Video games’ role in the education sector is significantly attributable to positive education gains. Gee contends that “well-designed games contain good principles for learning” (Ault 149). However, it is essential that what people learn in video games is not always impactful. Therefore, there is a need to choose specific games appropriate for advancing learning activities in the schools setting. Games help in learning as they motivate students because of their effective reward system. Ideally, a student is forced to embrace a learning culture by being promised a redeemable reward after completing the course. For example, games can offer gifts that can later be redeemed for personal gain. In this light, a student who had a negative attitude towards a particular subject such as mathematics will strive to use any means to understand the concept at least to redeem the gifts.
The significance of gaming in a classroom setting is cemented by the meta-analysis report examining different findings from several studies between 2000 and 2012. The authors noted that “gaming universally outperforms non-game learning approaches” (Ault 150). In the same vein, another meta-analysis report in 2013 in an American Psychological Association journal conceded that video gaming positively impacts learning by improving learner’s spatial navigation, memory, perception, and reasoni...
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