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The Struggle of Women Intellectuals: Thematic Analysis

Essay Instructions:


For this paper, you will select a theme related to women's roles or women's bodies that appears in a variety of poems, stories, and nonfiction (for instance, the power/danger of women's sexuality, the confinement of marriage, the challenges facing the woman artist/intellectual). Please note that since you are completing another project on the essays of Wollstonecraft, Woolf, Rich, and Walker, do not include their work in this paper. (Exception: you may include Rich's poetry.)

After selecting your theme, you will examine how it is presented in three to five works from our course. At least one of the texts must have been written before 1950. Also, be sure to include at least two of the major forms (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama). Your paper should include the following:

An analysis about what is similar and what is distinctive about each work's presentation of your theme. Remember to maintain focus on examining your theme; there is no need to summarize a work already familiar to your audience.

As pertinent, refer to the works' historical context and literary elements. But your focus is each work's presentation of your theme.

In your conclusion, explain which work(s) are most compelling to you and why.

Include short quotes from the primary texts for support. You may, if you wish, reinforce your evaluation with secondary criticism. Just be sure to appropriately acknowledge these critics (and be sure they are credible). If you include historical research beyond the general information included in our text, be sure to cite that as well.


The paper should be 1,800–2,000 words. Your works-cited page does not count towards the length requirement.

The paper should use MLA formatting, including double spacing; the appropriate heading on page one; Times New Roman (12 pt. font), 1-inch margins, appropriate parenthetical citations an appropriately formatted works-cited list.

Please be sure to appropriately acknowledge and cite any sources used. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism. Papers that contain plagiarized passages (intentionally or unintentionally) will receive a zero in accordance with Brenau policy. Your paper should represent your own, original work.

i will include a doc with a list of the texts you can choose from, you should be able to just look up the pdf for them online. the only ones you cant use are the essays of Wollstonecraft, Woolf, Rich, and Walker, do not include their work in this paper. (Exception: you may include Rich's poetry.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The struggle of Women Intellectuals: A Thematic Analysis Of Selected Works
From the given sources, Virginia Woolf, Sui Sin Far, Edith Wharton, and Sharon Olds are the woman writers who have elaborated on this theme in some of their works. In "Shakespeare's Sisters," Virginia Woolf elaborates on the theme of the struggle of woman intellectuals in the conservative western societies by proposing that if Shakespeare had equally talented sisters, they would not have got the opportunity to pursue a career. Similarly, Sui Sin Far explains the struggle and academic accomplishments of a woman despite utter social resistance and impediments and thus, reinforces the notion that women can overcome hurdles and achieve their aim. Moreover, in "The Angel at the Grave," Edith Wharton explains how society thwarts a woman's literary interest, efforts, and talent and how she finally achieves her aim. Finally, a short poem by Sharon Olds, "The Death of Marilyn Monroe," provides a highly subtle but effective message of the ingratitude of society towards women artists.
Virginia Woolf is one of the early novelists of the Victorian era marked for its conservative nature and maltreatment of women. So naturally, in almost all her writings, the themes of female subjugation, disadvantages of the patriarchal system, and status of females in matrimonial ties frequently appear. However, a Room of One's Own is an exclusively feminist novel, and her passage "Shakespeare's Sisters" is a deliberate insertion in the text to accentuate the problems of female intellectuals and artists in the conservative Victorian society. In this passage, MS Woolf uses a carefully constructed imaginary situation to explain the dilemma of women intellectuals. Furthermore, the analogy of Shakespeare's sisters with similar literary talent and intellect clarifies this theme by forcing the reader to comprehend Victorian women's intellectual woes using deductive reasoning.
MS Woolf reveals the gender discrimination and low treatment conducted with women of the fifteenth and sixteenth century by explaining how the dominant male society disregards women's intellectual abilities and talents and deems them inferior beings with limited cognitive abilities. The following lines of the text expound her argument: "any woman born with a great gift in the sixteenth century ……………….. half-witch, half wizard, feared and mocked at "(Woolf 57). These remarks clarify that Virginia Woolf understands and lament the maltreatment of women intellectuals in sixteenth-century society.
As discussed above, she uses an imaginary situation to further elaborate on this central theme by proposing what kind of treatment would have been given to her if Shakespeare had an equally talented and skilled sister named Judith. Extending her imaginary situation, MS Woolf explains that despite Judith being gifted with the same talent, she would not have had any chance to learn grammar and logic as Shakespeare would have. Similarly, MS Woolf continues, even if Judith happened to read any of his brother's books, she would have been engaged in domestic chores by his parents and would never have had a chance to complete it. Furthermore, well before she got an opportunity to express her intellectual abilities, she would have been married (Woolf 56). Finally, she explains the state of mind of a female poet of that time in the following words: "That woman, then, who was born with a gift of poetry in the sixteenth century, was an unhappy woman………………………. were hostile to the state of mind (Woolf 55). Thus, MS Woolf succinctly but effectively explains how the domestic environment thwarts and suppresses women's intellectual abilities by engaging them in household chores and matrimonial bonds.
Another essential aspect of hurdles and difficulties faced by women artists and intellectuals was the potential fear of infamy and indictment of unchaste behavior, and MS Woolf explicitly throws light on it. Looking through the shelves empty from the literary work of women of this era, she explains that out of fear of infamy and a sense of chastity, even the women writers of the nineteenth century had to hide their personalities under pseudonyms. She gives examples of women writers Marry Anne Evans (George Eliot), Charlotte Bronte (Currer Bell), and Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin (George Sand) who were compelled to hide their real names under the fake male terms to avoid infamy that was labeled to women to intellectuals (Woolf 56). Thus, this analysis of her text explicitly reveals the nature and ambit of hurdles and restrictions that women intellectuals of conservative English society faced in the social and domestic sphere. Moreover, her dissection of this social menace is more rational and logical and supported by situational evidence.
Another women novelist, Edith Wharton, has also accentuated the theme of the hardship of women intellectuals in conservative societies in her work "Angle at the Grave." The main story revolves around the central woman figure, Pauline Anson, her sacrifices, her literary endeavors, and her subsequent disappointment with society's treatment of her academic work. Pauline Anson's grandfather, Dr. Anton, was a renowned literary figure, and after his death, she takes on the challenge to conserve and project the literary legacy of his grandfather. While living in her grandfather's house, she entirely dedicates herself to her task and even forgoes a suitable marriage proposal since her suitor demands her to leave this house. So, one can observe that in Pauline's character, Wharton projects a female figure with extraordinary literary intellect and equally extraordinary perseverance and explains her struggle in the male-dominated society.
Moving on with this theme, Wharton provides further details of Pauline's efforts to write her grandfather's biography; she encloses herself in the house to hide from the intense scrutiny of the society as the following lines indicate the conditions of such houses: "most of the inmates o...
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