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Unit 7 Discussion: Creation theory

Essay Instructions:

Unit 7 Disc 1: Creation stories What are the similarities and differences between the two myths: The Creation (Tiahuanaco/Aymara) and The Children of the Sun (Inca)? Pay special attention to the introductions to each of these myths. Are these superficial distinctions or profound ones? Do they seem to reflect any concerns of societal structure or leadership? Why is the foundation of Cuzco significant enough to appear in both myths? How do these creation stories compare with the other myths that we have studied during the course? Unit 7 Disc 2:North American/Native American myth The Emergence (Navajo) Caught by a Hair-String (Micmac) Please consider how these two Native American myths portray the values and societal expectations of both their respective tribes’ and also Native American culture more generally. How do the Navajo myth The Emergence and the Micmac myth Caught by a Hair-String illustrate themes of balance, cooperation, and inter-dependence? What do these myths say about the Native American attitudes toward leadership and the responsibilities of these leaders? Discuss whether or not the attitudes displayed by the Navajo and the Micmac are similar. What are some of the most striking differences between these Native American cultures and the previous cultures we have studied? Please use specific examples! Unit 7 Disc 3: Values and the stories The Declaration of Independence set out the values that set the American spirit apart from other countries at the time: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What are the stories that you heard growing up that reinforced these core values of American society? Look at folklore, tall tales, and even family stories. Consider also films and books - even commercials - that embody the American spirit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
According to the creation theory, the entire universe was created by a divine power. This is also the case with the Inca people that believed that the world was created by divine power, which was the sun. He was all alone in the sky and it was void other than his presence. In the creation theory, the divine power was also alone and they both decided to create the earth and all of the beings and features on it. The difference mainly relates the creation of the moon which according to Inca became the wife to the god sun. In the creation theory, however, the divine power never had a wife and the moon remained in the sky as a star. According to the Inca, man was created from the rocks. In the creation theory, man was created from mud and given life. In most of the myths there is always the idea of a void space.
In both myths, there is a profound relationship and the differences are quite minimal. There is a refection of the power structure in the society that also illuminates on the leadership. The foundation of Cuzco in the two myths relates to the fact that, it created a starting point for man and the society as it is today. In relation to the other myths, there is always a power structure which starts at a powerful being or an object and ends with the humans and the rest of the universe being created or formed.
In the Navajo myth, there is the element of balance that exists between all the four worlds and the creatures on them. Every world has its own balance a...
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