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Essay Instructions:

Watch any of the following films and write a two-page paper detailing what you felt were the most salient points of the film. Gladiator , Director: Ridley Scott I Claudius , Director: Herbert Wise (any episode) Spartacus, Director: Stanley Kubrick Flesh and Blood, Director: Paul Verhoeven

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Directed by Stanley Kubrick, Spartacus revolves around a slave who comes out as out-rightly rebellious. Kirk Douglas who plays the main role of the slave. One of the salient points that comes out in the film is the social injustice in the society. While there are people who are enjoying a good life like the ruler of the Roman Empire, there are others who are suffering. The slaves have been denied a good life and they know not of any other option besides tolerating the hard life. They are, however determined to come out of the oppressive life and Spartacus is willing to lead them. Another salient point that are evident throughout the film is the oppression of slaves and the subsequent quest for freedom. Slaves were treated as lesser human beings and were expected not to have the same emotions as humans. However, Spartacus proves his masters wrong when he and Varinia fall in love. In addition, Spartacus goes ahead to fight for his love and is determined to ensure that Varinia is not sold. There is a clear indication that despite the treatment as lesser human beings, slaves were equally human and had similar needs as normal human beings.
As one discovers in the course of the film, there is a misunderstanding between the government of Rome and the slaves. Pretty much of the oppression from the government is based on the notion that the slaves have a plot to overthrow and dethrone the government of the day. This is not the case as Spartacus makes it clear. Their only intentions are to be freed from the oppressive of the Romans.
The rebellion of Spartacus is also very alive throughout the film. Due to the inhumane treatment that slaves were subjected to, majority of them had low self esteem and did not seem to know their rights. However, Spartacus remains strong and adamant whenever subjected to bad treatment. Deep within, he appears to understand that he, together with the other slaves do not deserve that form of treatment.
It also becomes apparent in the course of the film that slave trade was mainly informed by the need to gain political mileage. Most of the slave owners would do it in order to elevate their social status and in addition have an opportunity to increase their chances to rule. Having many slaves was seen as a way of gaining popularity. For example, having slaves and entertaining them by providing them with female companions was meant to make Batiatus gain popularity.
The revolts that were pioneered by Spartacus were the culmination of the long oppressive period that the slaves had endured. After pioneering ...
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