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Understanding the Idea of Manifest Destiny and the Branches of United States Constitution

Essay Instructions:

Answer three essay questions (approximately 350 words each) in one document that also contains a Works Cited page. Submit this document as your Midterm Paper summative assessment. Several topic questions encompassing various historical themes and events covered during the first half of the course are provided, and you will choose three that best suit your interest. All components of the multilayered topic questions you select need to be addressed. Also, you will gather additional information through basic background research to enhance your responses.

Your comprehensive essay responses will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned thus far by integrating specific class content and supplementary research material into your responses and explaining your understanding of historical issues in original wording. Information obtained through basic research should be paraphrased and summarized so that your entire paper is unique, and basic in-text citations need to be included where that material is incorporated; a simple Works Cited page containing all of your sources must be provided at the end of your paper.

You must submit your three-essay Paper through Turnitin as well as in this topic.


Questions--Select any three..


#1--What is the general concept of Manifest Destiny? What few specific events or general developments adversely impacted Native Americans, Mexicans and Hispanos (Californios, Tejanos) during the years 1835-1860? Lastly, what are some of the lingering consequences of Manifest Destiny today?


#2--How does the U.S. Constitution guarantee no branch of the federal government will become too powerful? What are the major powers of each branch? How do the Bill of Rights guarantee basic liberties to US citizens? What is a current issue related to the Constitution? (can include the Bil lof Rights or powers of government)


#3--Explain how slavery played a permanent roll leading up to the US Civil War. Describe a few notable social, political and cultural events or transformations related to slavery that occurred in the two decades preceding the war. What were some successful aspects of Reconstruction and what were some that were never actualized or that eventually failed? What is the legacy of slavery and the Civil ?War today.


#4--What were three personal characteristics and behaviors that made Theodore Roosevelt such a notable figure in US History?What were at least tow unprecedented actions taken by Teddy Roosevelt which expanded the power of the executive branch? What are two examples of these powers used in recent times?


#5--How did John Muir become such a prominent figure in the late 19th Century conservation movement? What was going on in the US during that period that necessitated environmental protection? What other prominent Americans were involved in revering and protecting nature in this era? What was Muir's involvement with the Sierra Club and what are some of his accomplishments that can still be appreciated today?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Question 1
A phrase originating in 1845, "Manifest Destiny," refers to the idea that the USA, according to its promoters, is meant for God extending its authority and spreading democracy and capitalism throughout the continent of North America.
The US-Mexican War (1846-1848) turned the discussion to slavery. It almost tripled the area of the United States and generated a conflict about what was to do with the newly obtained land between Northern and South people. Indians attacked Mexican ranches, haciendas, and cities, murdering or capturing residents and stealing or destroying livestock and other valuables. When they could, Mexicans retaliated by assaulting their foes with equal ferocity and greed. In exchange for the Mexican Cession and the disputed region of Texas, the United States received $15 million from Mexico (Pratt, 780). What percentage of land did Mexicans and Americans acquire or lose as a consequence of the Mexican-American War? The United States expanded its land area by 25%. Mexico has lost half of its land.
The notion was used to explain the forced relocation during the 19th century of Native Americans and others. The slavery issue has become more urgent with the accession of more States to the Union, and this leads to the start of the Civil War. The Mexican American was born of Manifest Destiny with many catastrophic results: more than 13,000 lives have been lost, and the fighting itself cost over $100,000,000, an excessive sum according to the current norms. The lands of the Americans were once again taken out of them while extending the boundaries of the US. This generated many confrontations among incoming West colonists and indigenous peoples. The settlers attempted to impose their religion on the natives throughout this expansion since they felt that they were barbarous, and they thought it was the saving of their souls. The new territory, the question of free and slave nations, has been presented with the adding of so much area. Although it was settled by laws like the 1850 Company and the Missouri Commitment, this was still a problem in the growing nation, and only after the Civil War.
Question 2
The United States Constitution, based on the concept of separation of powers, divided the federal government's authority among these three departments and established a system of checks and balances to guarantee that no one branch became too strong (Cohen, 2453).
The following are the three major branches:
The Legislature
A legislative assembly is a consultative assembly having the power to enact legislation for a political body such as a nation or a city. Legislatures are major components of most governments; they are frequently in opposition to the Executive and legal departments of parliamentary systems in the separation of powers. The Chamber and the Senate form the legislative branch, collectively known as Congress. The legislative branch is responsible for making all laws, declaring war, regulating foreign and State commerce, managing taxes and expenditure programs, etc.
The Executive
An executive is the government arm responsible for implementing legislative legislation and policy. The Executive frequently participates in policy-making. The Executive's formal names differ from country to country. There are nations with presidents, while others have presidents. A US President has the authority to veto or reject law; appoints government officials such as government agencies; negotiates international treaties; appoints federal judges and grants apologies or forgiveness. The United States president has the authorization of the Executive Branch, among its powers.
The judiciary
In a nation that deals with the law and legal system, the judicial authorities are the branch of authority. The judiciary's duty is to adjudicate legal issues. The award includes three tasks: determining the facts (primarily the court), applying the law, and determining the law. It is up to the judicial branch to determine what laws mean, how t...
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