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The Impact of Video Games in Learning

Essay Instructions:

Essay 1 essay that articulates a problem you see and your position on that problem or issue (+ Works Cited/ Works Consulted page)(your CQ Researcher topic) Writing Task Write an essay that takes a stand on an arguable issue and supports its position through the use of strong description and evidence, real and/or likely examples, clear establishment of terms, acknowledgment and analysis of counterarguments, and careful reasoning. You need to analyze the issue and present your position by appealing to credibility/character (ethos), emotions/values (pathos), and logic (logos). Writing Prompt: Write a position paper (civic argument) that takes a stand on a controversial issue. Your introduction should present your issue, provide background, and state the claim you intend to support (your Main Thesis Statement). In constructing your claim, strive to develop audience-based reasons. The body of your assignment should summarize and respond to opposing views as well as present reasons and evidence in support of your own position. You will need to choose whether to summarize or refute (concede or refute) opposing views before or after you have made your own case. Try to end your essay with your strongest arguments. Try also to include appeals to PATHOS and to create a positive, credible ETHOS. This essay will have to be organized in an argumentative structure passed down from classical rhetoric. Here is the basic structure of a classical argument: • Introduction: background, context, review of conversation, why the reader should care. Thesis: statement of claim and reasons. •Body: Support of reasons and assumptions. • Answers to possible objections (counterarguments). • Conclusion: review of major points, the contribution of this argument, a call to action, possible solutions. Your introductions should provide necessary background about the issue, interest your reader, establish your credibility, and clearly state your position (your thesis, which is an argumentative conclusion). The body of your argument will summarize and respond to opposing views as well as present reasons and evidence in support of your own position. You need to choose whether to summarize and refute opposing viewpoints before or after you have made your own case, or you can position your counterargument near the end of your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Video Games and Learning
Around 150 million Americans, including all but a tiny percentage of youngsters, play video games ranging from "Candy Crush" to "Call of Duty." They use video games to teach subjects such as history, geography, science, and mathematics and enhance their students' critical-thinking abilities. Meanwhile, creators of games are working hard to create games to assist youngsters with ADHD, which improve their abilities to concentrate (Jost, 145). I believe the use of Video Games and Gaming in the classroom can be beneficial to students because Video Games can enhance critical thinking, lead to a better interest in learning and subject areas, and can help improve students' social skills.
Videogames can enhance critical thinking. Higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, assessment, and synthesis require a more complex degree of cognitive processing and are thus more difficult to master. In many contemporary video games, the tasks and difficulties that are given to the player frequently need the usage of these abilities in their own right. However, many edutainment games, on the other hand, are designed to develop just lower-level thinking abilities. The development of higher-order thinking abilities is essential because it enables students to solve issues on their own initiative, and lower-order thinking abilities depend on the repeating of knowledge, in contrast, higher-order thinking skills rely on the drawing of their own inferences. Higher-order thinking is promoted more by video games that include features such as a complicated narrative, riddles, the synthesis of knowledge, and the collecting of information than by video games that do not have these aspects “educational games used in K-12 class- rooms; and “Games for Good,” teach, train or generate awareness or critical thinking about issues or societal problems, such as immigration, inequality, race or religious conflict” said Kathy Sanford (p. 157). With this knowledge, we can look into which video games would be the most suitable for usage in the educational setting.
Games provide analysis, including examining data and the comprehension of its impact on the gaming environment, the assessment, micro and macro-management, and a summation of the process of creating an efficient and complete city/empire are all included. As a result, the usage of these resources in the classroom should be promoted. “Games are used for recruitment, training and simulations for the military, corporations and health care.” Said Kathy Sanford (p.157). In contrast to this, the popular edutainment games does not include any instances of higher-order thinking and instead concentrates on the cognitive processes associated with lower-order thinking, such as memorizing, comprehending, and applying information. As a result, their usage in the classroom should be kept to a minimum. Several contemporary video games have high levels of cognitive process and, as a result, they should be used in the classroom.
Videogames can lead to a better interest in learning and subject areas. It's essential to remember that the main aim of the vast majority of video games is to amuse rather than to educate the player or the public. This, however, does not prevent them from continuing to educate and instead serves as the foundation for tangential learning. Tangential learning is a technique for teaching important ideas and concepts to learners in an indirect manner. “If my way of doing things encourages them to enjoy learning and take pride in their work, then that is what I con- sider success....
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