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Ulrich Zwingli's Perspective On The Eucharist

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay arguing to what extent Christ is present in the Eucharist (e.g. symbolic presence but no special spiritual or bodily presence, symbolic and special spiritual presence but no bodily presence, Real Presence through consubstantiation, Real Presence through transubstantiation) from one of the following perspectives:

Catholic perspective Martin Luther’s perspective John Calvin’s perspective Ulrich Zwingli’s perspective One quarter of the class will argue from each perspective. You may choose your perspective to an extent, but the four groups should each have the same number of people. You will work on the essay individually, but on the day I collect the final draft of it, you will meet in your groups to discuss strategies for the fishbowl. I will collect the final drafts at the beginning of that class to prevent you from working on them during the group meetings, so make sure to have another copy of your essay printed out or on your iPad.

All quotations and paraphrased research in your essay should be followed by parenthetical citations in MLA format, which all correspond to sources on your Works Cited page.
All sources on your Works Cited page should also be cited in your paper, even if just paraphrased.

Fishbowl format
On the day after the group meeting, there will be a cluster of four desks in the center of the room, with all the other desks surrounding the cluster in a circle. The students in the circle will be silent, while the students in the cluster (i.e. the fishbowl) debate to what extent Christ is present in the Eucharist. Each desk in the cluster will represent one of the perspectives. Students in the surrounding circle can “tag in” at any time, replacing the member of their group in the cluster. Please be considerate with tagging in; do not tag in if the member of your group in the cluster has not had enough time to participate in the debate. When you are in the cluster, you must speak at least twice from your assigned perspective, with responses that show you understand your assigned perspective’s beliefs about the Eucharist.

Works Cited page.
In MLA format (see the sample Works Cited page I gave you for the proper format)
Made on easybib.com (using “Manual entry,” not the automatic “Cite It” function)
Includes at least four sources: one a Bible, one Father Robert Barron’s Eucharist documentary, and at least two from reputable authors who are experts on the issue Website citations contain URLs
Each source's citation on the Works Cited page includes an annotation explaining why die source is reputable

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Tutor Course Date Ulrich Zwingli’s Perspective on The Eucharist As one of the early reformers, Ulrich Zwingli greatly influenced the direction in which Protestantism evolved. His criticism of Roman Catholic doctrines sparked spirited debates on the issues, making him loved and hated in equal measure. One of the most controversial issues of his ministry was his perspective on the Eucharist and in particular Christ’s presence in it. According to Zwingli, Jesus Christ has a symbolic and special spiritual presence in the Eucharist but no bodily presence whatsoever. Zwingli’s perspective, though controversial, is supported by the fact that Christ only assures his spiritual presence where others gather in His name, and not His physical presence (Matt. 18:20) (Holy Bible: NIV). Zwingli’s perspective is based on several scriptures contained in the Bible. The first and most important scripture is John 6:63 (Holy Bible: NIV) which states “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit, and they are life.” Using this scripture, Zwingli highlights the importance that Christ places on the Spirit and its importance over the body. In essence, Zwingli demonstrates that insisting on the bodily presence of Christ in the Eucharist is illogical seeing as Christ Himself places no value in the body, and only affirms that His Spirit gives life (Barron). Secondly, using Matthew 18:20, Zwingli highlights Christ’s assurance of His presence in the Eucharist (Holy Bible: NIV). In the scripture, Christ says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Seeing as the Eucharist is a gathering of Christians for communion, worship, and remembrance of Christ, His spiritual presence is affirmed. These scriptures affirm Zwingli’s assertion of Christ’s special spiritual presence in the Eucharist, with no affirmation of a bodily presence. Secondly, Zwingli also underscores Christ’s symbolic presence in the Eucharist. Although Christ mentions that the bread and wine are His body and blood respectively (Matthew 26: 26-29), these statements are symbolic (Holy Bible: NIV). The words “This is my body” and “This is my blood” are intended to signify one is the other, and not to show that one literally transforms into the other. Furthermore, assuming that this scripture indicates anything more than a symbolic signification, would indicate Christ’s real and physical presence in the Eucharist through the bread and blood (Wandel 50). This is a contradiction of Christ’s own words. In John 17:11, Christ says, “I will remain in the world no longer….” which refutes any possibility of Christ being physically present in the Eucharist in whatever form (Holy Bible: NIV). One argum...
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