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Tyranny of Convenience and How People Need to try and Avoid it to Embrace Inconvenience

Essay Instructions:

Critique and evaluating the argument author purposed.

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Article Critique
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As one of the most underrated aspects of life, convenience runs and rules virtually everything in life. Everyone is in a silent pursuit of it. Every time one says he or she isn’t comfortable or okay, they simply mean that the set of circumstances and situations surrounding them isn’t convenient enough for them. It can be defined as a way of performing tasks or duties in a more efficient or easier manner. In the article titled The Tyranny of Convenience by Tim Wu, convenience is the driver of human decisions. Central to Wu’s argument throughout the article is the notion that convenience has the ability to make other options unthinkable, while it also has a dark side. Through his explanations therefore, he seems to be of the opinion that there seems to be some sort of tyranny of convenience in most aspects of life.
Ii is however worth disagreeing upon, when he notes that “…today’s technologies of individualization are technologies of mass individualization…”(Wu, 2017). It might be true to some extent, since much of today’s technology simply keeps people fixated on their electronic gadgets. However, it is still the same technology that plays a greater role in uniting and making people a single entity. It is this technology that has indeed contributed greatly towards globalization, and the making of the world into a global village. The article seems to be written in a one-dimensional perspective, which basically focuses on the aspects that contribute in a way or the other, towards convenience.
Wu also argues that discomfort is ...
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