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Critical Analysis Of Who Are You Calling Under Privledged

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Critical Analysis of Whom You Are Calling Underprivileged?
For most of the world, the discrimination based on the racial, social, religious affiliations is considered a negative attitude and needs to be addressed using a multi-institutional approach. The American nation has firsthand witnessed the negative consequences of such attitudes and advocates for equal social and economic rights of the people regardless of their race, language, cultures, and religions at a global level. America, as we know it today, is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. The country’s population is composed of people belonging to different ethnic groups, religious, and social backgrounds. The diversity of American culture can be observed in almost every aspect of society. For instance, in every school or educational institute, we can see students belonging to different races and religions enjoying the benefits of a generalized form of education compared to the past.
However, there are few communities which are still considered to be lacking behind the majority of the population. For instance, the communities like African-Americans, Asians, and Latinos are considered as underprivileged sectors of the American society and often mentioned as struggling communities at industrial, educational, and administrative platforms (In Holt, In Green, In Wilson, In Thomas, and In Abadie 12). The term “Latino” or “Hispanic” is applied to the people who or their elders spoke Spanish at some points in the history. The majority of this community is made up of Spanish speaking people from Mexico, Columbia and other Spanish speaking nations in South America. Most of these people are immigrants having low socio-economic statuses and considered as an underprivileged community. The focus of this essay is to analyze the term “underprivileged” given to this community and its potential impacts on the psychological development of the Latino community and the perception of the society about them. The essay evaluates the term, by analyzing whether it is correct or wrong to call people as underprivileged or troubled communities.
According to many social experts, including the members of the communities who are often labeled as “underprivileged” agree that both literal and conception meaning of such terms is a sort of discrimination itself. As in the reviewed essay, the author Rodriguez felt offended and depressed by being labeled as a part of an “underprivileged” community. It is true that the socio-economic status of America’s Latino community is not up to the mark and not able to stand with the developed or privileged communities of the nation. However, the point of concern here is the fact that by labeling an entire social group with such terms facilitates stereotyping or other negative attitudes within society. The author of the reviewed essay, Rodriguez also agrees with the fact that their community might not be living up to the standards set by the American society, but labeling them as ‘underprivileged’ is not fair and a discriminating attitude which needs to be revised.
The reason behind the creation of such labels is the fact that the earlier Latino immigrants were more focused on supporting their families to blend in the mainstream American society or were resistant to learn a new language owing to social and economic burdens being experienced by them owing to immigration. However, the later generations of the Latinos are well aware of the fact that the key to success in a competitive society like America is “education.” Owing to the improved educational and skill levels achieved by the community the majority of the Latin-American population has successfully moved on from their early statuses and consider themselves not underprivileged. The United States is also known as a nation of immigrants, a symbol of liberty, and an advocate of basic human rights which includes providing equal social, educational, and economic opportunities to the people without any limitations dictated by race, culture, religi...
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