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Types of Writing

Essay Instructions:
Write an essay in which you describe three types of writing (research paper, power point presentation, and argumentative essay) in detail. Include information such as the class(es) or job(s) you've written them for, who read each document, what the purpose of each document was, how long each assignment type usually was, what level of vocabulary you were required to use (technical or general), what kind of research and sources were required, how difficult or easy each type is for you to write, and which types you enjoy writing most and least. Give details to support all your claims. Further Information: - Give the context in your introduction, making clear whether you are discussing papers written on the job, in the college classroom, or both. Tell us your major and your class level. Be sure to clearly list the three types you will discuss in your thesis statement. These should be listed in the order you discuss them in your paper. See Lunsford pp. 80-81 for help with introductions and pp. 58-60 for help with thesis statements. - You may use sub-headings to help organize your paper if you choose to, but this is not required. - The discussion of each type of writing should be about the same length. Consider writing two paragraphs about each type. Each body paragraph should be about the same length, and no body paragraph should be longer than a page. Be sure to describe specific examples from a paper (or papers) you have written for each type. See Lunsford pp. 68-80 for help with body paragraphs. - Your conclusion should summarize the central insights you\\\'ve gained, but shouldn't repeat your points word for word. If you have not yet discussed which of the three assignments you found easy or difficult, or which you enjoyed most and least, you may do that in your conclusion. Or you may wish to speculate about which of these types you will have to continue writing in your major or in your future career. See Lunsford pages 81-82 for help with conclusions. - Word choice and sentence structure should be formal and academic. Include a complete citation for any quoted material in a style manual of your choice ATTACHED IS A AMPLE ESSAY
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Types of Writing
In every level of learning, the learner is introduced into different types of writing. The genre and type of writing is very important in the academic and professional writing based on the subject, purpose and objective. It is always important to master the style of the genre when doing both academic and professional writing. It becomes interesting when one masters these skills. In that, you will always be at the top in every piece of writing you do. For me, much of my writing was done in school (college).
Basically, research method was one of the units I did in college. I learnt about writing research papers from the assignments we were given in this unit. They were interesting to write, and I gained a lot of exposure to the things I never knew. Research papers are categorized into two; analytical and argumentative. In one of the assignments, we were supposed to write an argumentative research paper to explain the reason behind the increase in road accidents. There are areas in our country that may be having regular road accidents, while others may even be experiencing none over a given period of time. In this case, I decided to pick the area that had the majority of road accidents.
My research was done by exploring the information that had already been collected by the department of road safety and a few books and journals on the same. This paper required the use of simple terms. The paper was to cover 5-8 pages. The information I needed for my paper was readily available. This made my work simple and even more enjoyable. Sometimes, it becomes stressful to write a research paper when you happen to have chosen a topic that you do not have enough supporting evidence. It is always important for one to be cautions when choosing a research topic, and also ensure you do not deviate from the topic.
By and large, power point presentation is used when you want to present the work that you have already done. Power point presentation is mostly used in conferences and workshops, in lecturing, and in presentation of projects at college and even at interviews. This makes it a vital tool for every intellectual. The language required in power point presentation is supposed to be simple, precise and brief. The power point presentation is mainly done by preparing slides; these slides are then displayed on the screen to be read directly to the audience. This can only be achieved with the aid ...
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