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Origins and evolution of Greek Civilization

Essay Instructions:
Each response must be at least one typed, double-space page in length, using standard front and margins. these are 4 different papers, one page each - 4 different topics. You may give a personal response by writing about what you liked, what interested you, what puzzled you, what you didn't understand or had question about, or any other feeling or feelings you had. or you may respond more analyticall by writing about what something meant, or how it compared to something else. Text Book: Thomas Cahill, Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter, Anchor, 2003, ISBN 0-385-49554-4 Text Book: Benard Knox (ed) The Norton Book of Classical Literature, Norton, 1993, ISBN 0-393-03426-7 Topic: Origins and Evolution of Greek Civilization Reading: Knox, PP. 23-43, 187-201 Topic: Epic Poetry; Homer, The Iliad Reading: Cahill, Chapter 1, Knox, pp. 63-68, 84-112 Topic: Homer, The Odyssey Reading: Cahill, Chapter 2; Knox, pp. 112-152 Topic: Lyric Poetry Reading: Cahill, Chapter 3; Knox, pp. 202-263 Each topic is its own individual paper. Please do not combine.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Topic 1
Origins and evolution of Greek Civilization
The book gives a clear description of some of the ways in which the Greek contributed to modern civilization in various ways of life. The book describes the Greek as people who are always misunderstood by the world. They are assumed to be only good at cooking yet they are the people who modern civilization borrows its roots. The book not only gives the information that the Greek were the major contributors to modern civilization, but also gives evidence in the fields in which they featured such as history, thought, culture, religion and art.
The book describes the Greek as having been excellent in every field in which they were involved. The book describes the Greek religion as having been the pioneer in human religion and philosophy. Their art and sculpture are also described as having been successful in the ancient times and contributed to the development of modern art. The Greek created logic and originated mystical prayer. Consequently, the modern belief in supernatural being borrows its origin from the Greek. They are also celebrated for famous thinkers who shaped thinking such as Aristotle. Greek thinkers were logical and modern inventors rely on their basics to be able to excel in their research activities. The book describes the Greek as having been excellent in all arenas including the hedonic lifestyles that shaped human sexuality through the kinky sculptures that they made and the art shown in the white and black photos and their archives of orgies and ritual sex.
The book also explains that the Greek were the first people to discover various discoveries in science, medicine and the development of logic.
Topic 2: Epic Poetry; Homer
In the poem, the poet uses a language which is aimed at addressing those clearly unfamiliar with Greek culture. The poet also ensures that the reader shares the excitement about the particular works. The pet demonstrates clearly that we have been able to understand ourselves as a result of the Greeks. We are convinced as readers that we have been able to acquire the skills of fighting, feeling, partying, ruling and how to see as a result of the Greek. In the topics of cultural contexts of particular works, the poet is well conversant but wears his scholarship with a light elegance in order to prevent it from intruding. The book does not give anything strange to someone conversant with the Greek culture. These include clarity, interesting story, fluent and eminently readable story.
The texts are also treated well so that we are able to get access to them. The commentary about interpretation is somewhat haphazard and flippant. This is because it is mainly composed of remarks without any substantive argument. Some of these remarks include description of Hector as the Iliad and lack of comparison of Aristotle with Plato. Another ambiguity is their description of the Romans as mere plodders. However, Cahill in his delight with the Greek philosophy conveys the message in a way that the readers are inspired to take the texts and start reading.
The historical claims are sometimes unreasonable. For example, some claims are too simplistic such as how to feel, how to party. The poet convinces us that Iliad influenced us to obtain the most tactical military d...
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