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Twain's Satirical Approach on his Analysis of the Gilded age

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Mark Twain and The Gilded Age
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In Mark Twain’s book entitled The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, he discussed how the 19th century represented an era of productivity amidst conflict in the United States. Specifically, he described the age as ‘gilded’ for he knew that despite what seems to be an economic boom, there exist an underlying turmoil in the socio-political realm  (Twain & Warner, 1873). In this article, the author would discuss Twain’s satirical approach on his analysis of the Gilded age. Particularly, he believes that this approach reflects how Twain sees the period as being ‘superficially productive’, yet deeply entrenched in conflict.
The Gilded Age
In Twain’s book, he mostly focused on how the American’s experienced a level of discomfort due to the underlying context of the era. Particularly, he was referring to the 19th century period, when an economic boom established the United States as one of the powerful players in the world. Because of this increase in productivity the wages of the American workers have increased significantly as compared to those in Europe, which meant more purchasing power for laborers. This caused a lot of Europeans to migrate in the United States in the search of what we call as the “American Dream” CITATION Twa73 \l 1033 (Twain & Warner, 1873). However, while this helped a significant number of immigrants to realize their dreams, Twain said that plenty of workers have then suf...
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