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Soleil Ho's: Misappropriation Of Culture Through Food

Essay Instructions:

In paragraph 6 of Soleil Ho's "Craving the Other," on pp, 45-46 in the textbook, the author describes a kind of Catch-22 encountered by the "foodies, Chowhounders, and food writers" who "flit" from one international cuisine to another: "The foodies' cultural cachet depends on being the only white American person in the room, braving inhumane spice levels and possible food poisoning in order to share with you the proper way to handle Ethiopian injera bread. But they can't cash in on it unless they share their discoveries with someone else, thereby jeopardizing that sense of exclusivity. . . " Following the guidelines and rubric for these Reading Response Journals, develop a short essay in which you explain and evaluate this claim.

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In paragraph 6 of Soleil Ho’s
Soleil Ho's "Craving the other," talks about misappropriation of culture through food, out of experience as a second generation Vietnamese American immigrant, she presents her view regarding food and culture cachet. According to Soleil, he describes the foodies' cultural cachet to be dependent on the white American person in the room.
According to Soleil, the white person in the room seems not to appreciate other people cultures, making them cowhounders and culture locust. They boldly and mercilessly reinterpret food that possibly can be poisonous in order to share with others how to handle Ethiopian injera bread. However, these people cannot make money out of their discoveries unless they share it with others, which affect their sense of being unique.
Soleil believes that the American way of showing appreciation for Asian culture through food has diminished the cultural values in the name of multiculturalism. She gives an example of how white people devalue Asian identity. The Red Hot Chili Pepper band uses song lyrics saying " l love your sticky rice / Butt fucking all night / Korean barbecue /Bitch l love you" seem not to bother many people, however, such songs make fun of Asian food, degrading their tradition.
Soleil argues that eating food like pho and thinking that one knows all about the Asian culture without having to learn from the original Asians, is not true cultural appropriation. According to Soleil, if American claims to know about Asian food, it does not preclude that one should joke about it, however the fact that they use one aspect of culture to think they know more about the Asian culture is wrong. Soleil further claims that this has been the trend in America; she gives an example of Marco Polo's fascination about the Chinese ice cream discovery that he had to be shared with other people for it to exist just because a white man approved of it. Even though white people love Asian foods like Soba and bulgogi and would love to appreciate other culture, American misrepresents the Asian American experience; instead, they objectify the Asian culture.
Having the experiences of taking pho in a dirty little street in Saigon or drinking goat milk as a child are some of the memorable moments one would like to recall and identify with. These are some of the beautiful experiences Asians...
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