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John Donnes Poem The Flea and Interpretation Of The Poem

Essay Instructions:

For your second essay, please select one of the pairings below and write a 3-4 page paper plus works cited page. (A minimum 3 pages means 3 full pages — all the way to the bottom.) The pairings consist of one poem and one scholarly/literary essay about that poem — a secondary source. In your essay, analyze the poem and take a stance on the argument put forward in the secondary source. Do you agree, disagree, or agree with qualifications with the writer of the secondary source? Why? Address specific points in the secondary source, supporting your stance with evidence from the poem(s). Pairing options: A) John Donne, “The Flea” / Gina Filo, “‘Spermatique issue of ripe menstrous boils': Gender Play in Donne's Secular Lyrics” B) Edna St. Vincent Millay, “What lips my lips have kissed…,” “Women have loved before…,” and “I, being born a woman…” / Melissa Makolin, “Out-Sonneting Shakespeare: An Examination of Edna St. Vincent Millay's Use of the Sonnet Form” If you would like to write about a different poem from the Norton, you will have to find a secondary source on your own. Please speak to me ASAP if you would like to do this. As always, your essay must be in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins with MLA formatting, in-text citation, and a works cited page. Please see the syllabus for the due date and information on late work, and see the MLA formatting guide on Blackboard if you are confused about MLA. The rubric is the same as the one used for the first essay. (I am a freshman Asian student, don't make it too academically, or my professor will suspect if I write this.) best,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

John Donne’s poem, “The Flea
John Donne’s poem, “The Flea” is one of the most artistically and tactful work of art which uses natural occurrences to draw the speaker’s point home. The poem is about the flea which hopes from the speaker after sucking his blood to the maiden and does the same. The speaker tells the maiden that the flea has mingled their blood and that cannot be said as a sin, “Thou know’st that this cannot be said A sin.” He says that the flea has taken that which the maiden had denied him without wooing her. He advances the poem by saying that by the fact that the blood is mingled makes them one and that it would be better if they would do better that the flea did by even mingling their blood more. The speaker uses the incident of the flea to interpret it to mean they have been connected by the flea in a holy matrimony and she should not kill it. However, the maiden kills the flea.
Interpretation of the Poem “The Flea”
The poet has creatively used a natural phenomenon experienced in day to day life to explore the otherwise feelings that some people may harbor but unable to air them out directly. The poem presents to us the speaker who is lusting on the maiden and uses the flea as a window of opportunity to present his rather hidden agenda of having sex with her. He uses the excuse of the flea having sucked both their blood to try to convince the maiden that they are already in a union and therefore they should even strengthen the union by having sex. However, the maiden does not feel convinced by the speaker’s argument. She kills the flea by her fingernails. This hints the speaker’s weakness of not being in a position to convince the lady and win her.
Gina Filo, “Spermatique issue of ripe menstrous boils”: Gender Play in Donne’s Secular Lyrics
I strongly agree with Gina Filo’s arguments on Donne’s Secular Lyrics. Gina Filo has successfully critiqued the portrayal of gender matters as evident in Donne’s poems. His study entails various poems by John Donne. He has successfully brought out his argument by also referring to other critics who wrote about Donne’s poems. Gina Filo argues that Donne writes poems that employ nature to satirize human behavior and in particular the men. This is evident in the poem, “The Flea.” The...
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