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The Beauty Myth Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth And Botched Surgeries

Essay Instructions:

In The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf claims, “Every generation since about 1830 has had to fight its version of the beauty myth.” What is your generation's version of the beauty myth, and how is it different from that of the past? Use passages from The Beauty Myth and “The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery” to support your argument in this response paper.


Each response paper is worth 5 points and is graded based on the following:

Does the response thoughtfully answer the prompt? (2)

Does the response use textual evidence, commentary, and analysis for support? (2)

Is the writing clear and correct in terms of spelling, grammar, and mechanics? (0.5)

Is the response long enough and in proper MLA format? (0.5)

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February 28, 2018
The Beauty Myth – Naomi Wolf
In almost every historical accounts throughout the world, women have always sought empowerment in one way or another. As manifested in the waves of feminism, it could easily be said that this process is not easy due to the long-standing external pressures exerted by society towards them. Today, many would believe that women are empowered, liberated, and are equal with their male counterparts, but is it really the case? In Wolf’s book, she discussed how – in spite of the liberties that women face today – our assumptions are not exactly true by analyzing the concept of beauty historically [11]. Specifically, she said that despite the changing idea of what is considered ‘beautiful’ throughout the years, some of the themes that remain are; (1) the remaining pressure that they bear so as not to be considered as ‘abnormal’, and (2) the same pressure that makes them want to be more appealing to men. These themes are still what ‘entrenches’ women and puts them at risks as they opt for extreme ways just to comply with what we call as the “beauty myth”.
The Beauty myth and Botched surgeries
During the industrial revolution, “the value of women who were not aristocrats or prostitutes lay in their work skills, economic shrewdness, physical strength, and fertility” [14]. Today, in the eyes of the greater society, women who comes from the same class are judged based on their ability to compete with males and other women, in almost each and every f...
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