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Masculinity: How Would You Define Or Describe Masculinity?

Essay Instructions:

The Prompt
How would you define or describe masculinity? Is masculinity a universal quality? That is, does it mean the same thing to be a “man” everywhere in the world, or is our current concept of masculinity unique to the United States in the twenty-first century? Use passages from “Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls,” “Real Men and Pink Suits,” and “Having It His Way: The Construction of Masculinity in Fast Food TV Advertising” to help explain your position.
Your essay must be 500-600 words (aim for 3 pages). It must be typed in MLA format: double-spaced with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman font in size 12, and with a proper MLA heading and pagination. Your essay should also have a Works Cited page at the end, which is not counted in the word requirement/page length.
How to Turn it in
Submit your response paper directly on this page. See the Turnitin box below.
Per the syllabus, one letter grade will be deducted for each day your assignment is late. You will not be allowed to submit anything more than three days late.
This assignment is worth 10 points. I will look for the following:
Does the essay (and its thesis) directly and intelligently address the prompt? (2)
Does the essay include ample and effective textual evidence from all three texts? (3)
Is textual evidence analyzed thoughtfully and compellingly? (3)
Has the essay been proofread for spelling, grammar, and mechanics? (1)
Is the essay in proper MLA format? (1)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Masculinity is defined as possession of attributes or features associated with men. This is a traditional perception of masculinity (Pezzote, n.p). There are many socially created definitions of masculinity for being a man and these can change over time and from one location to another. Hence, not every society views masculinity as a man-oriented thing. The term usually gives a relative opinion of the ideas and notions of how male individuals should or are expected to behave depending on a given setting. In this 21st century, men's roles are changing. Unlike in the past where dads were seen as only financial providers for the family, nowadays dads are compassionate, engaged and active in their families. It is a pressing concern because so far it does not differentiate man from all people.
According to Katha (nytimes.com) boys differentiate themselves from girls by them (boys) liking trucks while girls like dolls. It is argued that these sorts of preferences are not just out of choice but rather within the parental hormonal influences. Or what reason would anyone give as to why preschool girls love party dresses whereas boys of the same age bracket own lots of guns. Studies have shown that little cognitive differences are revealed between these two sexes: the boys would orient themselves depending on their space whereas the girls remember their landmarks instead. Time will define whether any of these sexes deserve hoopla via which each will invariably be greeted highly by the protestor researchers. But again, even if the study results suggest otherwise, we will not need a further study to help us differentiate the brain activity based on sex. That is, understanding why boys and girl are not alike.
Movements related to the feminist gender have tried on working out something for every woman, but it has not been a free playground for sex roles in America. It has not seen women stop their dietary issues or even men to end disrupting them (Katha, nytimes.com). Apart from viewing kids in a way to establish that their sexual behavior differences are innate, people can try to look at ways of raising their kids based on an index of showing them how the female revolution is really unfinished, and ways of tentatively embracing it even by the adults who expect their daughter to dominate the male person's possessions and for the male kid to even change diapers.
According to Bow, word has power and should not be recklessly exerted because there are consequences thereafter. The reporter was trying to be politically right though this does not matter when power is involved. It is all about one being sensitive to who is being singled out. The ...
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