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Translating A Scholarly Article Walking By Henry David Thoreau

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Translating a scholarly article-Walking by Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau highlighted the benefits of walking to understand the history of conservation by stating “Wildness is the preservation of the World” (3). In Walking by Henry David Thoreau, he gave a lecture based on his experiences walking in the wilderness in the 1850s and the significance of this in his life. Conversations about nature mainly focus on his trail in central Massachusetts, where nature and walking are closely linked. Before beginning a walk, one must make a decision on whether to begin the journey and walking then leads self-discovery. Thoreau’s idea of walking is not aimless and irresponsible as it is based on of individual conscience where people know right from wrong where they are willing about themselves. Walking is associated with personal freedom, self-discovery, and better understanding of the sorrowing.
Sometimes walking without a predetermined goal in mind can achieve more since people are open to discover things about themselves. Thoreau uses the example of ‘sauntering’ which he means people who reach the Holy land without necessarily having made a firm decision this. Sauntering allows walkers to exercise freedom and express their connection to nature, and walking allows people to reflect about themselves and nature (Thoreau 2). Furthermore, even as people walk and see the beauty of nature few are willing to appreciate nature. Walkers are like those who are interested in reclaiming the land and people are exposed to many things than what they are used to as they are willing to learn.
Freedom and independence to walk has opened up his eyes on how man has deformed the landscape. Thoreau warned about the dangers o...
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