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Personal Essay. My name is Mr. X, and I am sophomore studying economics

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This is a personal essay. The professor knows nothing about me, so i think you can write anything you want. I am a sophomore studying economics.

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Personal Essay
My name is Mr. X, and I am sophomore studying economics. Currently, I live in New York City along with my parents and two elder brothers. My father is a doctor, and my mother is a housewife; my elder brothers are married, and they live in their separate homes, so basically, I live in this house with my parents only. Since my childhood, I have seen my parents going to church every Sunday. My father, besides his busy schedule and day-to-day activities, always manages time for his prayers and of course, for the family.
He and my mother always wanted to educate us well; my elder brothers completed their Master’s and got married to their girlfriends. Every Saturday, they come to our house along with their wives and children to spend some great time together. Ours is indeed an ideal family as everything is going on as expected.
As far as my studies are concerned, I developed an interest in economics when I saw one of my two brothers studying the same. He once sat with me and made me understand that a degree in economics offers an amalgamation of group discussions, lectures, written assignments, research projects and perhaps examinations. The aim of all of these activities is to prepare the student for a bright and progressive future. When I asked more about the subject, my sweet brother said that a Bachelor of Science in economics would focus on both statistics and mathematics, so I was asked to opt for this degree program. Basically, I have been a shy person, and my parents and my elder brothers always want me to boost my confidence in one way or the other.
It was not easy for me to opt for this study program until or unless my brother spared some of his time and explained the things to me. Now, I am happy with my decision, and I find my degree program to be interesting, amazing and great. I am fond of studying books and articles on economics, mathematics, and statistics; my aim is to start my own business after completing my studies.
Just like other people, the life of my parents has never been the same. I still remember the day when they were unable to pay the fee of my elder brother, and he was expelled from the school. It gave a big shock to my father and mother, but they did not give up. After finishing his degree, my father began doing a job at a hospital, and soon things changed to an extent. Today, we have become financially stable, and besides this, we are able to help the poor and needy. In fact, my father loves donating money once or twice a month. He thinks that if we help others, God will help us in all uncertain situations.
Speaking about myself, I have seen many students struggling for money at the college. One of my friends, for example, does a part-time job to support his studies. His father passed away a few months ago, and his mother wanted him to quit on the studies so that he could earn some money to raise the family. However, instead of leaving the college, he began doing the job at a grocery store, and at the same time, he does freelancing. On an estimate, my lovely friend is making $500 per month which, according to him, is enough to support his education and to spend at home.
The life of people like him has a lot to learn from. I sometimes spend hundreds of dollars carelessly, which is I should actually not do since every cent and every penny is a blessing of God. As far as my hobbies are concerned, I love playing video games. In fact, I have PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and some Android devices to enjoy my favorite games.
I think that in addition to studying, I should focus on extracurricular act...
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