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Toulmim Argument Essay About Positive Parenting

Essay Instructions:

Good afternoon. I have resubmitted this and since i read the initial essay you wrote, i think you are the best writer to do this for me since you already have an idea of what is required. But this time i have only attached one reading.
All the instructions and guidelines have been attached. Please send me both the draft and the final paper for my instructor needs the draft too.
I have attached one reading from where Toulmin Argument Essay should come from. The reading is named as: '' There is a man with the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella.''
(a) Create an essay title that suggests argument.
(b)Please do not focus too much on the story . This must be an argument essay not a literary analysis. The literature should only be used an example to prove a point outside the context of the story.
(c) Please use 4 sources as per instructions.
Use the sources you list to support a claim.
As per the guidelines attached, please use the updated MLA style.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Parenting: Positive Parenting
Every parent complains about the negativity in the world and how it impacts their children. Children, being the most innocent beings on earth, are often oblivious to what is happening around them. However, some parents take it as their responsibility to reveal the truth to their children. While this might seem like responsible parenting, others would disagree and say that children need to be protected from the evils of the world. Who is right and who is not? This question is indeed hard and whichever the conclusion, there will always be a side that feels dissatisfied. Regardless of the many views and opinions, this is an area worth exploring. Parents also need to keep discussing this issue with the aim of finding common ground. It is often said that charity begins at home and it is important to consider the idea of the children being the force of real change in the world. In this article, the issue of shielding or exposing children to the adverse aspects of the world will be elucidated but with reference to Liliana Heker’s short story known as The Stolen Party.
In the story, Rosaura is having a conversation with her mother, Herminia, who does not want her to go to a particular party because as she puts it, “It’s a rich, people’s party.” However, Rosaura’s response brings her innocence and loving nature to light because she tells her mother “Rich people go to Heaven too.” This reaction is indeed reminiscent of the innocence of children. However, from the conversation, it is clear that Herminia on one part is trying to make her daughter aware of the world she is living in. On the other part, one can argue that she is also negatively impacting her child by feeding her such information because if she succeeds, Rosaura may never see her friend in the same light. The question here is, therefore, is Herminia right or wrong, because, on one part, she is shielding her child from the cruel world by telling her the truth but on the other hand, she is also feeding her the same bitterness she has towards the wealthy. Richard Cytowic (2014) offered his thoughts on this issue, and he is subtly in support of Herminia. In his article, he said that parents often wrongfully “assume that the harsh details of reality will upset their children and inflict grave harm.” He continues to say that “but evidence to the contrary shows how mistaken” such parents are. Richard is against the efforts by parents to sugarcoat the truth and categorically disagrees with the “well-meaning” parents.
Take for example the issue of racism/racial conflicts or diversity, should children be exposed to facts about such sensitive issues or not. The question above has led to various discussions, and while some parents want to shield their children from it, others make it c...
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