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Essay Option 1: What makes urban environments unique? Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Directions: All students are required to choose between one of the following two

essay options. Answers should be approximately one to two pages long (double space,

12-point font and 1-inch margins). The paper should not exceed two pages (this does not

include the bibliography).

You are expected to use as many readings as possible to support your answers. We

are assessing you on your knowledge of course materials (lectures and readings).

Please use standard citations1 and include a bibliography. Please submit only in

MS Word or PDF (not Pages or Google Docs).

Instructions: Your answers must be written in a standard essay format consisting of

a short introduction with a thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a

conclusion. The essay must address the three parts of the general prompt. Good


Essay Option 1: What makes urban environments unique?

1a. What were the attributes that made “urban” environments different from small


1b. How did these attributes of urban environments shape human relations and


1c. . Identify the mechanisms that make cities more prone to freedom than other


Essay Option 2: Compare and contrast old and new urban environments.

2a. What were the classical characteristics of older cities (e.g. late 19th and early 20th


2b. How have the characteristics of cities changed over the past 50 years, and what

caused these changes?

2c. How does a place like Los Angeles (newer type of city) magnify or reduce the

problems identified by Louis Wirth in Chicago (older type of city)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Essay Option 1: What makes urban environments unique?
While cities have economic freedom, the growing gentrification and isolated ghettoes make it difficult to undertake urban renewal. The surrounding communities in urban environments may have different values to the city dwellers and have stronger social bonds. Places tend to attract specific groups of people some almost entirely, and this reinforces the divide in big cities even the urban environments are cosmopolitan and diverse. There is no single narrative on what it means to live in urban environments, but there is a high concentration of people and services, distinct residential areas along race and social stratification, but more prone to freedom.
Urban environments tend to have concentrated, high populations services and diversity as people move in and out these places when compared to small towns. The latter have fairly stable populations and attract those seeking to live the long-term. As such, social transformations are greatest in “urban” environment as there are more diverse populations. Wirth (94) pointed out that cities are the products of growth and not instantaneous creation, and while urban environments have extensive transportation and communication networks, but increased settlement puts pressure in the infrastructure of a place. At the same time, succession and gentrification are more common as urban development expand, as the demand for land grows more rapidly compared to the surrounding areas.
The location of housing projects and skyscrapers differentiates people in different social classes and even when there are centers of development, there are different needs and activities. For the privileged residents, there is greater access to public spaces, while the cosmopolitan workers demand more distinct amenities (Lloyd...
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