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Hamlet And His Father, Polonius And Laertes

Essay Instructions:

This is an article about the relationship between Hamlet and his father and son (Hamlet and his father, polonius and Laertes, fortinbras and young fortinbras) is whether they are a good son, one by one, and use Combine the contents of the book with quotes to prove your point of view. For example, I think Laertes is a good son, because which position in the book says "...". Ex:When Hamlet comes to the realization that "the readliness is all," he has understood that his revenge will be exact at the time God deems it most appropriate. Anyway, it is to write everyone's. The final reference is to write the book Hamlet. The version I used is edited by Maynard mack and Robert Boynton. Then you may place the key line or page in parentheses after the quote. But do provide an MLA bibliography page at end

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Father and son relationships in Hamlet
Prince Hamlet did not see anything was unusual with his father’s death until the ghost appeared to him, but he still had to make the decision whether to kill his uncle Claudius who murdered his father and married his mother. Polonius controlled major decisions in his home and influenced the exile of Hamlet, and even Laertes listened to his father’s advice without questions. Young Fortinbras like Laertes acted swiftly to protect his father’s honor. A son’s identity is closely linked to relations and interactions with the father. The father son relationship in “The Tragedy of Hamlet” is good and closely linked to intense loyalty and actions to demonstrate the close bond as the sons are concerned with protecting their fathers’ legacy.
Hamlet is a good and loyal son who must fix something that he did not unsettle and assess whether his father’s ghost plays a trick on him and the impact of avenging his father’s death. In Act 1 Scene 5, the book states, “Never to speak of this that you have seen, Swear by my sword”, where Hamlet addressed his two friends Marcellus and Horatio, but did not reveal that the ghost revealed that his uncle was Old Hamlet’s killer Prince Hamlet was conflicted after his father was dead, and he talked with the ghost at night wishing to revenge on behalf his father Old Hamlet/Old King, but still reconsidering his decision and had to do a thorough investigation. Hamlet is the son who inherits a need to do justice to the father and a dialogue with the dead. Hamlet's father cannot avenge his death, but his is in a position to do so. Hamlet’s actions marked by the paternal mandate and duty and he sought to determine what Claudius’s role was in father’s death now that he was married to Queen Gertrude his mother.
The dead old king appeared to be more powerful when dead than living and it took a near death experience for Hamlet to finally take action and avenge his father’s death. Hamlet the prince of Denmark is assassin of the king Claudius and Laertes. However, Hamlet had no evidence of his uncle's crime, but the ghost of his father appeared at the beginning of the play and for him to avenge he had to renounce his worldview. The ghost reappeared when Claudius he ends up dying at the hands of his own poison, and the mission was accomplished. While the ghost represents fears and intuitions the father-son relationship is strong that the son needs to fulfill the father’s wishes going to the extent of avenging the death to maintain the family’s honor.
The ghost of the old king is crucial to understanding Hamlet’s relationship with his father as the play largely focuses on Hamlet when he was fatherless. Hamlet mourned for his dead father, and was outraged at his mother’s relationship with his uncle and believed this was forbidden love. As such, his actions were influenced by his loyalty to his father, and hoping to revenge and spoil his mother’s relationship with Claudius. As a good son he did what he believed was in the best interest of the father and family even if there was a risk of negative consequences. As Hamlet chose to finally act he demonstrated the strong bond with his father, and he took time to investigate Claudius’s activities.
Polonius and Laertes
Polonius is an adviser to Claudius and the Father of Laertes and Ophelia is killed by Hamlet, and yet Hamlet was in love with OpheliaLaertes is a good and loyal son , King Claudius asks Laertes “Have you your father's leave? What says Polonius?” (Shakespeare Act 1 Scene 2). Laertes was intent on returning to Denmark from France having learned about his father’s death and as a good son, he sought to act as he saw it necessary ...
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