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The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

Essay Instructions:
format for this essay. focusing on how professional critics approach texts using ideas from other disciplines. for this essay i want you to carefully summarize the main ideas of two of the critics whose essay appear in the book, making literature matter fourth edition. you may choose the essay that follow "Daddy" By Sylvia Plath,"A Good Man Is Hard To Find" BY flannery o Connor, or "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson ; just be sure they are both on the same text. Does either critic borrow ideas from feminism, marxism, psychoanalysis, or new criticism? If so mention that in your thesis . For an introduction, summarize the story or poem briefly. Then focus on what you and the critics have found most interesting in the text. Finally, for you thesis, summarize in one or two sentences each. the main perspective of each critic. After spending one or two paragraphs condensing each critics's position in the body of your essay, add your own conclusion, reflecting on how these critics have helped you understand the work better and Why. make sure: to use at least 3 quotes form source material Use proper MLA format, INcluding works citied page Use 2 different conjunctive adverbs.
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The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
This assignment evaluates on the story "The Lottery by Shirley Jackson" which it summarized the story and provide criticism on the nature of the story. The thesis is in relation to the criticism on whether to support The Lottery or not from the book making literature matter. The Lottery is a story based on a village town in United States which has had an annual ritual known as "The Lottery" the ritual was just took place in one day during the morning hours before noon and it was done in a way which the reader would not realize that it is a ritual until towards the end of the book when the Bill`s wife Tessie was killed. The critic`s did not agree with the psychoanalysis of the story that when someone is killed it guarantees rain in the coming season along with good harvest. The book elicited a lot of hatred by the readers to the author as they referred to it as being unethical until decades ago when it was introduced as a literature book in high school and middle school.
The critics disregard the social setup of the story as means of Marxism / Socialization as a form of annual gathering to request for rain. The author of this comical story had written the book with a lot of irony in such a way that the reader anticipate that the story will culminate with a festive moment but rather ends with death. The villagers were meeting in June with an aim of gathering for prayers to request rain so that their corn would grow in the upcoming year. The participants were made to believe that once they sacrifice one of their own they will get rain. They also believed that if they do not carry on with the sacrifice ceremony the village will not get rain for agriculture. Hence, they will not have food or any economic activity next year meaning it would regress on its development. Therefore, it was a mandatory exercise which must be fulfilled, they used to say "Lottery in June, corn will be heavy soon" (Cellania, Par 9) to emphasize on it.
Criticism is also evident on how the social setup of the community is lazy yet they are requesting for rain and they do not till much land. However, it was ironical on how they were looking forward to the lottery to request for rain while they were very lazy as they were not used to work. Therefore, even if they were to get rain they won`t benefit fully from is as they would not have tilled their land. Some of them were going back to stay in the forest as the rest of the communities were getting civilized. This is the same reason which is making them practice on rituals as the rest of the com...
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