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Notions of 'Culture' and 'Ideology'

Essay Instructions:
1. Write a personal critical analysis about the notions of “culture” and “ideology” according the definitions given by the following (1 page double spaced): - “Cultural Studies.” In Grossberg, Nelson et al., Cultural Studies, London, Routledge, 1994, p. 4. - “Culture,” by: E. B. Tylor, Raymond Williams, S. Freud, and Jeff Lewis, Cultural Studies. The Basics, London: Sage, 2002. - “Ideology,” by Althusser. 2. Write a personal, although documented, opinion, about the concept of "circuit of culture," according to Paul du Gay y Stuart Hall (1 page double spaced).
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Notions of “Culture” and “Ideology”
In this assignment I will discuss and criticize on Notion of Culture and Ideology. Culture is believed to be an intricate social process through which men and women shape and define their life. Culture has been developed over time and passed on to generations and it forms the basis on how people behave and relate to issues in life (Grossberg, P 147). While ideology is a system of values and meaning which is a projection or expression of a particular interest, it’s evident that Ideology does control and express consciousness. I do also view it as a mistaken interpretation on how the real world is supposed to be.
I do agree with Giroux p 21, that ideology has been reduced to false consciousness as it provide an imaginary relation of people to the actual conditions or experiences which they could be facing. I am of the opinion that it is a notion of a failed science as it’s composed of a system of social reconstruction myth and a form of expression of totality of different age groups. For ideology to be a useful construct it has to be a form of practice and knowledge as opposed to institutionalized hegemony this is in view of (Grossberg Et al P. 84) which I agree with. Once such distinctiveness on the relationship between this two contentions issues are defined ideology will remain as a notion of a failed science. Ideology is also something like Marxism or Nazism as viewed by Schiffman Par 6 which is a politico philosophical system that is explicit and it has been difficult to distinguish complex ideas or ideologies with ordinary myths, beliefs or ideas which I do concur with.
It’s true that the modern notion of culture does relate to race and culture, historical particularism and how it reacts to evolutionist. I am for the opinion that different races have different cultures on how they do their activities which always differ with another race. While historical particularism provides means which have supported the culture over time to be practiced by different generations (Hargreaves p. 119). Culture does conflict with evolutionists as evolution erodes some of the cultural practices which are termed by alienation as practices which are done in line with ci...
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