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Threats to Native Americans

Essay Instructions:

For this part of the midterm, you will write a complete essay that responds to the following prompt. Follow the directions below to develop your response. Submit as a separate document in essay format.

In Killers of the Flower Moon, David Grann describes the systematic murders of several members of the Osage Indian tribe as certain members of the Osage community experience brutal treatment at the hands of an unknown killer or killers. In what way are the deaths not only “systematic” but “systemic?” Consider cultural and political factors that “drive” the systems. Include at least three quotes from Killers of the Flower Moon to support your points.

Organization and format:

Include a creative title and present in standard essay format

Provide context for your reader by describing the issue in your introduction

Avoid unnecessary plot summary.

Present a clear thesis supported by specific reasons and relevant evidence (quotes). (Construct an outline to guide your response)

Provide adequate context (analysis) for your points (before and after quotes)

Organize your points “logically” and include clear transitions between ideas

Avoid using long block quotes (more than three lines of text). All quotes must be paraphrased or smoothly incorporated into your own sentences

Use parenthetical citations when including direct quotes or original ideas

from the texts.

Type in standard essay form (introduction, body paragraphs, and


Use Modern Language Association style (MLA) to format your paper

Edit carefully for grammar and punctuation errors

Here's the link to the book


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Threats to Native Americans
A person who desires power, fame, or wealth is willing to go to any length, even if it means compromising lives and causing harm to others. In the literary text Killers of the Flower Moon, which David Grann wrote, there is a specific character whose greed has caused numerous deaths. Grann narrates the killings of the members of the Native American tribe, Osage. They lived in peace, but the whites continued disrupting their lives. They discovered an opportunity to thrive in the oil industry after being relocated. The people of the United States know that there is much income in the oil industry. Thus, when the Osage were succeeding and finally rising to power, most people envied them and became interested in them. This event attracted terrible people, and William Hale was one of them. Hale wanted power and wealth; thus, he decided to kill the members of the Osage tribe (Grann 1-352). It is evident in the story that the killings are systematic and systemic; it is carefully planned and inherent.
The series of killings are considered systematic. The rise of the Osage has also contributed to their demise. Many people envied them and wished to have what they had. William Hale is one of these people. He is a simple cattleman, but he has risen through the positions to take their place. He is a greedy individual who envies the Osage. Hale has also been used in dirty work, as demonstrated by the following statement: “He outworked and outwitted his rivals, making plenty of enemies who wanted him dead” (Grann 26). People despise him because of his evil acts. As a result, Hale devises a plan to assassinate the Osage because it is not impossible for him to do dirty work on the Osage too. He believes that once the Osage are gone, he will be able to take over their industry and manage and profit from it. In a nutshell, he aspires to be one of the wealthiest men in the United States by killing the Osage. His plans are systematic and well-polished. He focuses on one Osage family, the prominent one, whose deaths are unexpected and horrible. Some family ...
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