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Group Think and Default Setting

Essay Instructions:

Use as many sources as you need. There is no specific amount. Pick any of the 3 topics. (if you do the one on gun control, write it from a conservatives point of view)

It has to be at least 6 paragraphs, so if 1 paper is not enough just add another one on. I wont be near my computer for the next while, so if you need to add a 2nd page just do it and charge me.

Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name Subject and section Professor’s Name July 21, 2022 Midterm Examination Short Questions 1)      What is a Group Think Lie?
  1.  Groupthink happens when a group reaches a point where it places more value on unity and cohesiveness rather than making a rational and correct decision. In these instances, the leader may play a significant role by facilitating the group’s dissent towards those who are deviant from the group decision, even though such a decision is inherently wrong in the first place (Hopper).
2)      What is a default setting and how does David Wallace believe an Academic education can influence it? A default setting refers to the mind’s natural tendency to view the individual’s subjective experiences from a self-centered point of view. Notably, the default setting leads to the belief that everything that happens (especially the wrong ones) is caused by the inevitability of external circumstances, which also us to blame others. Accordingly, Wallace noted that education allows us to move away from our default setting, not by increasing our knowledge but by improving our simple self-awareness (Koh).
  1. In Stephanie Ericson’s essay, “The Ways We lie,” she creates a list of lies that many of us use, including Omission. What is Omission? Give an example of how it was used in history and/or business or give an example of an experience you may have had.
  Understanding the reality and circumstances of lying is essential for everyone. Whether it be in our personal or professional lives, lying leads to a chain of events that could affect a relationship or even endanger another’s life. Nonetheless, lying could also be beneficial depending on how one uses it. In this article, let me discuss one of the most common types of lies committed by humans like us – lying by omission.    What is Omission     ...
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