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Thinking Map: Skillful Problem Solving And An Essay

Essay Instructions:

this assignment is going to have question for the thinking map that needs to be answered. you will than use this answer to write the essay. you can pick a problem anything that is real to your life. keep in mind I'm a single mom and I work in a hospital as an aide. and this is my first English class. please contact me for an question. this assignment is due by next Friday at 8am. please used the question on page 7/8 to answer the thinking map. and than use that to write the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
31 July 2017
Thinking Map: Skillful Problem Solving
Why is there a problem?
The academic standard has lowered down due to the misuse of technology and has produced students who lack knowledge and information in the field of sciences.
It is important to improve on the current situation since the young students are the next future leaders hence they must be competent and accurate in their field of learning.
What is the problem?
In this case, technology is being used for the wrong reasons and is not helping the college students to improve in their knowledge and learning capabilities.
What are all of the possible solutions to the problem?
Limit and Monitor the use of technology or gadgets within the classroom setting and
meet up with the parents to do the same in their homes. Possible Consequences: Some students may find it difficult to subject themselves to this plan and only rebel or show indifference.
Provide a support group of counselors. Possible Consequences: The students may not be very supportive of this idea and refuse to open up to the counselors and request for help.
Classroom technology must be used intentionally. Possible Consequences: The students might find themselves drifting from the lessons and play instead of study.
Provide more reading assignments. Possible Consequences: The students might find this activity boring
Based on this information, what is the best solution to the problem? Classroom technology must be used intentionally. The use of movies, dvds, multi media Presentation would surely benefit the students.
Essay on the Thinking Map: Education VS. Technology
The present era have progressed not only in terms of education but also in the department of information technology. People usually resort into using technology for a faster way of communication, to progress in work and in education. Some colleges and universities have implemented the different kinds of technology for purposes of developing a student’s skills and abilities. “Technology is seen in several forms from the simple functions of a calculator used in mathematics to the most complicated computers and technological gadgets” (Flannagan L.J., pg. 07). However, alongside the positive advantages of technology and advanced computer system, there is also a negative side or disadvantages causing problems that need to be solved. While the “ideal goal for educators is to implement technology in the classroom and see definite positive affects on student achievement” (Flannagan L.J., pg. 09). We are living in a world filled with high tech gadgets in the current time like ipads, social media such as twitter, facebook, tumbr and google.
In addition, there is a problem because the current situation in colleges and universities are having issues and multiple problems concerning the involvement of technology in class and at home. Surely the use of computers are now direly needed to discuss and deliberate on the several subjects taught in high school and colleges. To the contrary, children and young adults have been found failing in class by reason of technology and some have even become addicted to videogames, texting and the social media. The academic standard has never been at such a low level from the year 1990’s up to now. It is a problem since education plays a huge role in the lives of people and if this is being consistently and blatantly disregarded due to technological reasons then a problem arises. We are all aware of the numerous benefits of collaborating technology in giving lectures in class, to assist in student’s interaction and in bringing new perspective in class. However, the problem arises once the negative factors result to the misuse of technology and could result into drastic consequences that could affect not only the life of one student but the education of the young generation. Hence, according to (DeLoatch, 2015), “To make the best out of tools of technology, teachers and parents must also recognize their downsides and how to avoid them”.
Furthermore, the present situation is that the students or young men and women not only in high school but also in college are distracted with technology. Instead of studying and using it for greater and more important reasons, the technological gadgets are being used for dating, meeting friends and putting assignments and projects in the backseat. Because of this the education of the youth have become stagnant and have taken a sudden down turn for the worse. The students have become content in producing low standards of projects and assignments. More time have been spent on television, video games and social media. The very purpose and goal of the teachers, professors and educators have always been to uphold the interest of the younger generation who will be taking the place of the older leaders, to soon stand as head of states and leaders occupying a public office. In addition it is very important to improve this situation, in which case the next generation will be the ones who will become the teachers and administrators of the future hence, it is very important that they learn everything about life, science, mathematics or the social sciences and languages. That is why it is necessary to improve the current situation in the educational field and to lay down rules and regulations that will help the youth to discipline themselves....
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