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Life Changes Through The Internet Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Lecture 1 Hegemony and Emergence and Convergence

Because it is the beginning of a course, this lecture has a lot of specific terms in it.  It may also be a great source for topics for your final essay.

Suggestion: read the lecture and then read/listen to the texts for the week and answer the response question but plan to come back to this lecture later for exam ideas and essay topic ideas. 

Writing and reading tips: saying what texts say and making claims will help you with assignments and the exam and the essay for this class:

In this class I will ask you to assess claims and proofs in primary texts. 

I will also be working on the assumption that good critical writing at the university level also assesses what critics in secondary texts.

Finally, I will ask you to assess your own claims and proofs and to make sure all your proof works with all of your arguments. 

I will be asking you to say what they say and what you say.

This idea comes from a helpful book on academic writing entitled They Say, I Say. In this text Graff and Berkenstien write about how to enter an academic conversation by writing about what others thinkers say and then saying what you say (19- 29).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Life Changes through the Internet
Ever since the invention of the internet, it has totally turned life around. The internet has revolutionized communications, relationships, work and even the marketing industry. The internet has actually made life easier and enjoyable than before. However, it has also come with its challenges; for instance, it has led to the degradation of morality in the society as well as promotion of more complex criminal activities like cyber crime. Despite these few shortcomings of internet, majority of people are still of the opinion that internet has numerous benefits and has totally transformed lives of many people. For instance, people can now buy whatever they want from the internet, sharing videos with friends, sharing good moments with friends, people can read books from the internet, working from home, and also receiving breaking news from the internet. In Canada for instance, publishing industry has been transformed completely with the intervention of internet. This paper explores how the internet has transformed publishing industry in Canada and also how life has changed through the internet.
First source
Internet change on everything
The increase in the accessibility of internet across the world has come with a huge impact on how business is conducted and the relationship between the customers and sellers. The internet has helped to enhance communication and helped customers to purchase and access products with ease. According to Ferber (par 3), the internet replaced the traditional methods of conducting business by bringing the new technological tools, such as websites, to boost communication in business. The internet has helped to significantly improve the quality of products. The internet has enabled business to engage in extensive research and engage other stakeholders in addressing the new demands by the customers (Ferber par. 3).
Second source
The publishing in Canada in 1981 to 21st century
The publishing industry has undergone massive transformation since the early 20th century to the 21st century. Publishing industry in Canada has gone through a total turn around since 20th Century because of technological advancements. Publishers have shifted their attention from the idea of importation of foreign titles and they are now manufacturing their own Canadian books, by Canadian authors and at the same time maintaining the good relation that they used to have with foreign countries. Canadian authors have endured the difficult waters of the Second World War, the financial crisis, and stiff competition from the foreign competitors. Canadian authors have actually worked hard to completely nurture the Canadian voice and have brought much love to literature in all genres. Considering the fact that Internet has changed the publishing of books, writing has also changed. The internet has made this change to come faster than anticipated in two main ways; firstly it has changed the means of delivering books and magazines and also the means of literary production. Since the Second World War, Canada focused on increasing educational materials, focused on understanding the cultural diversity for college students and promote disconnection with the British. Although Canada is still connected to Britain, publishing companies have focused more on promoting local literally work.
Third sources
Publishing of Canadian Comic Superheroes
The internet has changed the utilizations of superheroes and comic content. It has influenced people to turn away from the sci-fi comic books to embracing the movies and video games. Online retail stores have provided a platform through which publishers...
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