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Immigration: Benefit Or Burden Research Assignment

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Immigration: Benefit Or Burden Research Assignment

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Immigration; Benefit or Burden?
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Immigration; Benefit or Burden?
Immigration is a sensitive and one of most debatable subjects among Americans today. The debates have cantered mostly on the impact of immigration to a society and the policy framework governing the issue within America. One of the most contentious aspect of immigration is on the treatment of illegal immigrant who comes into the U.S. under different circumstances. Over the years, many of the Americans perceive that the immigrant are bringing more loss to the country’s economy than gain. The recent anti-foreigner protest is clear indication that America migration policies are not managed effectively. This has seen President’s Trump Administration coming up with policies designed to tame illegal immigrations by curbing border crossing and limiting intake refugees. Trump standpoint suggests that, for America to have a successful migration management, it has to consider the interests of its citizen more than the rights of migrants.
Statements and questions raised about immigrants and immigration leaves room for more debates. One of the most controversial subject is Trump’s controversial statement on the decision to exercise total and complete travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries. The proponent of the decisions were of the opinion that Muslim immigrants ought to be temporary banned from entering the U.S until the government its ability to screen potential terrorists (Gans, Replogle, & Tichenor, 2012). On the other hand, the challengers of the decision argued that imposing total and complete ban to immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional and violation of human rights especially when the immigrants are refugees fleeing from civil wars. Another contentions statement is the decision to detain and deport illegal immigrants as a measure to reduce immigrants in the US (Gans, Replogle, & Tichenor, 2012). The challengers still hold some reservations arguing that dentation and deportation of immigrants should only be exercised on immigrants who have committed minor crimes and serious crimes respectively. The middle ground has often been limiting the influx of migrant and assimilating those who are already in since thy offer significant contributions to the American economy.
The review on the exiting immigration policies has changed the U.S identity from its exceptional status as a nation of immigrants to an anti-immigrant state. The need for reforming the policies are driven by the public and administrative attitude towards immigrants and immigrations. According to Hainmueller and Hopkins (2014), asserts that the attitude of the U.S.-born residents towards the immigrants have shifted negatively over the recent years. The native attitudes towards the the immigrants and immigration falls can be explained in two theoretical approaches, namely political economy and socio-psychological. In a political economic approach Natives employment seekers perceive that skilled immigrants are the reason for their unemployment problem, hence their explaining anti-immigration attitudes. In a socio-psychological approach, the native perceives that their culture is threatened by the continuous increase of immigrants’ population into the U.S (Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014). A 2012 study explains a phenomenon called “culturally threatening cues, “where immigrants who cannot communicate in English language found it difficult to fit in the native culture, and this aspect sprung more anti-immigrants attitudes than political economic reason. For this reason, a policy requiring immigrants to learn English emerges as a solution to assimilate immigrants into the American society (Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014). In addition, the natives’ anti-immigration attitude impacts differently depending on the type and size and origin of ...
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