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Compare and Contrast Heat of Darkness and Brave New World

Essay Instructions:
I am required to write an essay comparing Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Brave New world by Aldous Huxley. The theme that I would like to focus on is civilization vs. savagery, if there is a better recommendation that would be greatly appreciated. There should be one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. Also within the body paragraphs specific quotes from both the books should be used to support the general thesis. Additional instructions: I needed at least 3-4 quotes in each body paragraph. Also that I would like the essay to be in a moral-philosophical lense.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Date: Course: Professor: COMPARE AND CONTRAST HEArT OF DARKNESS AND BRAVE NEW WORLD Both the books “Heart of Darkness” and “Brave New World” share some very common themes that revolve on human consciousness and its tendency to be corrupted, and the notion of world and its ideas of a conducive society; mainly – Savagery and Civilization. Heart of Darkness is Conrad's illustrative literary piece which investigates not only the psyche but also the heart and in addition the external forms of progress and furthermore uncovers the murkiness, intricacy and false notion of humanity’s instinct by Marlow's pursuit of Kurtz from Europe to Africa. By analysis and careful digestion of details. An examination of the awfulness of Kurtz, this paper will talk about the darkness of human instinct and its dangerous effect on society and its members. Heart of Darkness is a standout amongst other books of the twentieth century. Most importantly, it is an emblematic adventure into the dim spots of the spirit. Furthermore, it is additionally an account of otherworldly breakdown. The focal thought of this book—darkness is the genuine idea of our reality—gets into the roots and the central theme of the story. This kind of haziness will break people, as it did to Kurtz. In the character of Marlow's portrayal, we can perceive how Kurtz, who had gone to Africa brimming with trusts, weakened physically and profoundly finally. In spite of the fact that Kurtz appeared to be the best and fit man that Marlow chanced to meet amid his voyage, his journey was really a disaster. Brave new world is a sci-fi book written in 1931by Aldous Huxley and manages the way things may end up being later on. The book is set in London of AD 2540 and the book foresees the adjustments in the general public from the advancement of both conceptive advances and also rest learning. In this book Huxley depicts the future to be exemplified with goals that are exceptionally composed to such an extent that one loses one feeling of self. In a moral-philosophical point of view, we can say that Greed is a trait for the savage, and in turn, creates a corrupted civilization. An Analysis of Kurtz as a colonizer Driven by the two enticements: the want to make a fortune through ivory and the want to find inactive family relationship with the savages, Kurtz respected their joined influence by utilizing his power as god to enable him to accomplish his objectives. In any case, he ought to be unseen as a basic a man that acted upon his own whims through his will and desires, particularly everything under his own particular wills. In actuality, he was a delegate of the European colonizers, and his conduct spoke to the wills of what he had a place with. For instance, his conduct of subjugating the locals and notwithstanding butchering the men at the Inner Station was never denounced or even halted by the Trade Company. As Marlow let us know, he was lauded exclusively for his "skilled limit" of gathering ivory. The fact of the matter was that if they did influence it to genuine, who might be the ones that worked for their perpetual want after all the local "savages" vanished? This influences me to concur with Ian Watt that the detachment in Kurtz amongst words and reality mirrored a divergence between his verbal articulation and his genuine behavior.(Watt, 1980, p.235) And it is straightforward why Kurtz appeared to be so frail and vulnerable in the midst of the wild, however he was rationally aggressive and effective and felt that he could gain everything as he wished as long as he made a decent attempt. Eager Kurtz character of being greedy is a typical eccentric of colonizers, which demonstrates their awesome want for notoriety, influence and riches in a large portion of different situations. His supreme power at the Inner Station—the capacity to make everything and each man under his will and power, and his remarkable limit—the unpleasant routes in gathering ivories. Wealth is seen as an end instead of a means. Furthermore, his savagery was turned out to be the most effective weapon for him to lead his place. For instance, he made the heads of locals who set out to irritate him the surprising ornamentations outside his windows. What's more, he once undermined the shoot the poor Russian in the event that he declined to give out his little parcel of ivory, which appeared in the meantime how covetous and merciless he was. Just from this little case, we beautiful comprehend the purposes behind Kurtz to report that everything at the Inner Station had a place with him. The two stories feature the idea that members of society, no matter what titles or position in social hierarchy, can feel isolated, which creates “savage emotions” for the members of civilization. When it worked out that it was Kurtz who requested the assault on the steamer, since "he detested now and again being taken away"(Conrad, 2004, p.91), even that it was held for sparing his life. Sadly, Kurtz was not spared finally, in light of the fact that he couldn't leave the place that brought him riches and acclaim, notwithstanding for sparing his life. Also, the power that he picked up from the ferocity had officially made him a sovereign which would neither permit his domain nor his ivory fall onto other's hand, for example, the General Manager and his pupils. The majority of the above made Kurtz a Faustian insidiousness. For him, there was no ethical limitation since every one of the locals there were just "savages" at the Inner Station, and he had the privilege to manage them unreservedly as they all had a place with him. To ensure that they would go and gather ivory for him, he utilized the weapons in his grasp and the "considerable musings" in his psyche. Obviously the last was all the more effective, and its impact didn't vanish even after Kurtz passed on remorsefully. In the Brave new world the outcast experience is normal and a few characters encounter some frame and state of it amid the novel. Such type of outcast is obvious in type of estrangement and otherness or the reality of being not the same as whatever is left of the gathering. In his book Aldous utilize the subject o...
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