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Discussion Paper on Themes in The Rocking Horse Winner

Essay Instructions:

Compose a critical analysis essay on one of the topics below. Your essay should be well developed, unified, coherent, and grammatically correct. Refer to the Grading Criteria for MCC English Classes in the First Day Handout for this course. Required length: Approximately 2 pgs
Create a thesis statement, and back up your claim with support/evidence from the text. Support should contain clear, specific examples from the story or stories you are analyzing, as well as documentation for all text references. Include at least one quotation from the story in each body paragraph of your essay, for a total of 4 quotations from the story/poem. 
Follow MLA format: Use size 12, Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins; double space.
Include a Work Cited page. It is not included in the two-page length requirement; it should appear on a separate page at the end of your paper.
There are other topics to choose from. You can pick another one if you would like. Here they are:
1. Analyze a character in “A Rose for Emily” or “The Rocking Horse Winner” and show how he or she is a dynamic, round, flat, or static character by examining his or her development over the course of the story. 
2. Analyze the mother’s role as the antagonist in “The Rocking Horse Winner.” 
3. Discuss one or more themes in “The Rocking Horse Winner.” Explain what makes this story universal to readers.
4. Analyze the elements of foreshadowing that Faulkner uses in “A Rose for Emily” to create suspense and to give readers clues about how the story will end; consider the characters’ and narrator’s words and actions as well as elements of the setting.
5. Discuss how Plath uses allusions to reveal the type of relationship the father and daughter have and how that has affected her later in life. 
6. Compare or/and Contrast the two poems “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Daddy.” 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Rocking-Horse Winner
The rocking horse winner is one of the most intriguing short stories that were written by D.H. Lawrence. This is a story that was first published in the year 1926 as part of the Harper’s Bazaar. One of the basic elements about the story, is the fact that it is a reflection of quite a number of families across the cultural divide and even at the global scale (Lawrence, 2016). As such, as it is a story that most of the readers can associate with or have a basic recollection of a theme that runs with experiences they have had in the past, whether in their lives or in the lives of others. There are quite a number of themes that can be found in the book relative to the main views expressed by the author to the audience.
Thesis statement: This is a short story that despite the figurative characters resonates with most readers making it universal.
There are a number of themes that make the story stand out, one of them being family. This is a story that brings out the mother and son relationship, which is quite old. This is one of the most common type of relationships that are found in most families and they tend to be quite strong, however they can also be quite distant.
‘This troubled her, and in her manner she was all the more gentle and anxious for her children, as if she loved them very much. Only she herself knew that at the centre of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody.’ (Lawrence, 2016)
In this case, the relationship between Paul and his mother, Hester, is quite sour. It is one that depicts hostility, anxiety and the desire to belong and be loved. He even tried using money to win the love.
‘They managed it very easily. Paul, at the other's suggestion, handed over five thousand pounds to his uncle, who deposited it with the family lawyer, who was then to inform Paul's mother that a relative had put five thousand pounds into his hands, which sum was to be paid out a thousand pounds at a time, on the mother's birthday, for the next five years.’ (Lawrence, 2016)
One other relationship that comes out in the family that depicts the basic family relations is that of the father and mother in the story. In the case, Paulâ&...
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