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When the World Run out of Oil; Interview with Mr. Faisal Al Ali

Essay Instructions:

This paper is a profile essay paper, its supposed to be an interview with anyperson that is qualified to be interviewed. so basically i should come up with a question that leads to other questions. This question should be a question that i want to know the answer of it and i go to a qualifiedd person and interview him to get the answers to my questions and some more information. its no supposed to be written as a quesstion and answer format, just like an essay and have some"qoutatient marks that have the answers or the information the person i interviewed gave".
the question i would like is : when will oil and gas get extinct totally(finish) fro the entire world , and what will the humans do to cope the great changes they will have.
the person i interviewed that i would like to have in the paper is Mr Faisal Al Ali , (he is a CO at ADNOC companyy and a petroleum engineer). so just make thiss paper as if you really interviewed him. and please have zero plagiarism

Essay Sample Content Preview:
When the world run out of oil; interview with Mr. Faisal Al Ali
When the world run out of oil; interview with Mr. Faisal Al Ali
Ever since the discovery of oil one hundred and fifty years ago in the United States, oil has played an integral role in industrializing the world. Most of the world's innovation like transport, industries, and other production lines owes their existence to oil. Today the world runs on oil. It is used to power cars, as a heating and cooling systems for homes. Oil also form part of essential items used by humans like the ballpoint pens. Additionally, mobile phones are also made of oil. In a nutshell, oil revolutionized the automobile industry, accelerated industrial revolution in the world and contributed to world’s exponential growth through expansion of transport. Away from industrial use, oil is also used for wax, petrochemicals among others. Economically oil energy contributes to 50% of the world’s industrial and domestic electricity consumption.
To claim oil run, the world would be an understatement. But what would happen if the world run out of oil? How would the human race cope? And when will the world run out of oil and natural gas? To answer these questions, I interviewed Mr. Faisal Al Ali, The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and an engineer by profession. I know Mr. Faisal personally as he is a member of my family and also double up as my sponsor. The interview was conducted through telephone conversation. Mr. Feisal was able to give me a professional view of oil matters despite the fact he is family and the interview was conducted through the phone.
Mr. Faisal Al Ali possesses vast knowledge in matters oil and I were privileged to have interviewed him on issues concerning potential oil and gas extinction. On when the world will finally run out oil, Al Ali postulates that global oil reserve is enough to last the world another fifty-three years or so. However, he did not give the figure authoritatively but made the assumption. He also agrees with leading geologists who predicts that oil depletion began in 1990, and soon there will be no more oil in the wells.
Al Ali notes that “most of the cities were built around oil, this make it hard for people to transition from oil to other sustainable energy sources." In the wake of increasing oil prices and the threat of depletion, the world needs to explore non-conventional means of fuelling the engines and saving the world. He notes that "global leaders are stuck between serving political masters, national interests, and common global interests. According to Al Ali, political leaders, and wealthy businesspeople have successfully created the myth that the human race would be doomed without oil energy. Well, the fact is there are new energy sources like nuclear, solar, hydro and steam that can be tapped into to help power the world.
Al Ali gives a guideline on what he believed a human would do when oil finally gets depleted. He claims that researchers are already on the ground trying to harness other sources of energy to replace oil. In Alberta, businesspeople, and researchers have invested heavily in the extraction of tar sands. In Wyoming and Colorado, there is ongoing research to convert coal into liquids through improved technology. Additionally, solar energy has been explored for quite some time. Al Ali, has some reservat...
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