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The Theme of Power and the Price of Knowledge in the Christian Play "Doctor Faustus"

Essay Instructions:

4-5 pages

For this paper you will select one of the following topics to discuss in relation to any text up to the midterm:

Appearance versus reality

The power and/or price of knowledge

The construction of identity and self

The relation of self to world

Pick a scene from one of the texts before the midterm (or up to two poems if you choose one of our poets), and explain the significance of one of these themes. Consider the problems the text poses for the characters, the reader, and/or the plot in using one of these themes. What does the text imply about one of these themes, and what is its importance?

Note: These themes are intentionally broad so as to allow some flexibility in interpretation and to provide direction. These are the suggested themes, but you are welcome to decide on your own theme provided it relates to our class texts.

Final Notes about Paper 1:

You must select ONLY ONE of these themes and ONLY ONE text (or two poems by ONE poet) from our readings up to the midterm. Failure to follow these directions will result in failure of the paper.

A paper that is mostly or all summary will receive a failing grade.

You are expected to quote directly and sufficiently from the text. Do not block quote.

You must provide a Works Cited and in-text citations for ALL sources you use. Failure to do so is akin to plagiarism. If the text doesn't have page numbers or line numbers, provide the author's last name in an in-text citation at minimum.

Do not use any secondary sources.

DO NOT FOR ANY REASON USE WIKIPEDIA, SPARKNOTES, OR ANY SIMILAR SUMMARY WEBSITE AS YOUR OWN. Such is plagiarism. Do not rely on other people’s ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis. Under no circumstances should you use another person’s analysis as your own (e.g. from summary sites like SparkNotes, &c.). Use only the text that you are examining and your own analytical abilities.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name:
Course Title:
Thematic Analysis: Power and the Price of Knowledge in Dr. Faustus
Christopher Marlowe’s text titled The Tragic History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus was first played in the year 1592. Doctor Faustus is by and large a Christian play. Faustus, who is the main character, is identified by his status as a physician. The setting of much of the play is the university environment wherein he resides. This paper discusses the topic of power and price of knowledge in this text. The significance of this theme is described taking into consideration the problems that the text poses for the characters and the plot. On the whole, this paper explains what Christopher Marlowe’s text implies the theme of power and the price of knowledge.
The author initially introduces Faustus as a man who has gained sufficient knowledge from his education and possessed university degrees in a variety of subjects. In the opening soliloquy, his areas of knowledge are introduced and include theology, law, health, debate, as well as a desire for learning black magic. However, as Doctor Faustus describes his university degrees, showing off and dropping names, he demonstrates a sense of false hope in them. He demonstrates his dissatisfaction with his studies.
The theme of power and the price of knowledge is evident in much of the play. Faustus is a magician rather than a scientist who is in pursuit of power and knowledge. In Dr. Faustus, knowledge and power are important issues. Knowledge is described as a significant issue in the prologue and even in the opening scene of the play. Additionally, knowledge and power are underscored all through the play and also stressed in the final sentences of the text. The following are some of how knowledge is stressed in the play:
“So much he profits in divinity That shortly he was graced with doctor's name, Excelling all, and sweetly can dispute In the heavenly matters of theology” (Marlowe Prologue.15-18).
These lines show that Doctor Faustus was a very knowledgeable and smart person, perhaps even a genius, considering that it often took nearly fifteen years for a person to become a doctor of divinity in a medieval university. In another line, he states that “The end of physic is our body's health (Marlowe 1.1.16).” With this line, Faustus is summarizing the study of medicine. He ultimately proves that to attain this end is a very intricate and difficult process, but worth the time spent.
Faustus also says “How am I glutted with conceit of this! Shall I make spirits fetch me what I please, Resolve me of all ambiguities. […] I'll have them read me strange philosophy Moreover, tell the secrets of all foreign kings. (Marlowe 1.1.76-78, 84-85)”
This pursuit of knowledge changes to become a need for learning the "secrets of all foreign kings (Marlowe)." This suggests how much his longing for knowledge is linked to his equally strong need of having immense power.
As the play starts, Faustus is depicted looking closely at the collected wisdom of centuries of scholarship, and only says “codswallop!” (Marlowe). He then resorts to magic for the power that it could bring him as well as for the prohibited knowledge that it would disclose to him. Faustus ultimately does not care abo...
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