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Theme of Neil Gaiman's "Cinnamon"

Essay Instructions:

I will attach 3 files. One is the rubric for the essay. Another is the short story on which the essay is based upon. The last file is a paragraph written by me, about the theme of "Cinnamon" that I have chosen to write about for my essay. Please make the essay based on what I wrote in the paragraph, and please follow the essay rubric as well. Thank you!!

Assignment: Write a 5-paragraph essay in which you explain Neil Gaiman’s main moral message, otherwise known as THEME, in his story “Cinnamon.” STRUCTURE: In your Intro paragraph, begin with 1) a hook, followed by… 2) an overall summary of the story. Then, find a way to… 3) transition smoothly into your thesis statement, which is a hardcore argument, and names the story’s main ethical goal/mission/theme. This is the time to sound firm and bold. You have to formulate your own wording for the thesis statement, but it has to have something to do with stating the main theme. Follow this Intro up with three body paragraphs plus a conclusion for a total of 5 paragraphs. Each paragraph will be 5-8 sentences long. Each of your two body paragraphs will represent an argument that will back up your thesis statement. Each body paragraph must follow the 5-part “sandwich” structure as described throughout our course. Don’t forget CITATIONS, both verbal and parenthetical. 3 Your conclusion must 1) re-word your thesis but it must also 2) provide some fresh, new content, and it must 3) end with a memorable final sentence, sometimes called a “kicker” or a “button.” Your conclusion material must continue your main argument, but there should be something you have saved for the end, and/or a deepening of your argument that you place there. The reader should definitely be convinced by now that your idea of Gaiman’s main moral theme is valid. Note: Always provide verbal, in-text citations that include the author’s name along with a verb, and ALSO parenthetical citations that include the page number for the quoted/summarized/paraphrased passage. Remember, don’t direct-quote every time. We quote or summarize or paraphrase; we switch it up. You do not need a Works Cited page for this paper. Checklist for Cinnamon Essay. I will use this to grade your essay. YOU must use it as well before you submit. ________1MLA heading with correct formatting throughout the document, in every way ________2There is an original title, accurate and well-written, centered, in the right location ________3Intro: Intro paragraph opens with a strong “hook” that serves as an attention-getter ________4Intro: The story is effectively summarized, briefly and completely, IN THE INTRO. ________5Intro: The Thesis Statement is present at the END of the Intro, and it is not a question. It names the main theme of the story. ________6 Intro: The Thesis Statement comes from an original thought had by the student. The thesis does not plagiarize any examples that have been given. The student found his or her own way to devise a thesis statement. ________7 Essay contains 5 paragraphs, and one text is used. ________8 Each body paragraph follows the “Sandwich Structure” format in a plain and visible way. Anyone reading the essay could follow the 1-2-3-4-5 steps ________9 The first sentence of each body paragraph is a true topic sentence. Each topic sentence is brief, each announces the content of the paragraph. ________10 The second part of each body paragraph consists of introductory context. The student recaps the part of the story that will be discussed, in order to keep the reader on board and engaged. ________11The third part of each body paragraph focuses on a specific passage of a text, and this passage is quoted, summarized, or paraphrased. The passage is introduced grammatically, smoothly, and responsibly. ________12 In-text verbal citations featuring author last name and relevant VERBS appear in each body paragraph. ________13 Parenthetical citations featuring author name and page number appear in each body paragraph after the QSP’d text. ________14 The fourth part of each body paragraph contains 2-4 sentences of thoughtful discussion and explanation from the student. The student discusses the specific chosen QSP’d passage in order to prove the point that was made in the topic sentence, and to point out how the passage ties to Gaiman’s main theme/message. ________15 The final sentence of each body paragraph has the rhythm and feel of a concluding sentence. Each one of these final sentences connects back to the overall argument of the essay. ________16 Throughout the essay, the student writes for an audience who has not read the original text. ________17 Conclusion is a fully-developed paragraph. Student re-words the thesis, provides more discussion, and provides a “kicker” that seeks to make the essay more convincing and memorable ________18 The essay is successfully submitted to Canvas, on time. ________19 There is no pattern of consistent errors to the writing. The student understands that writing is a process, and has made a serious, pro-active effort to work through any writing errors and issues. ________20 Punctuation and other typographical details have been thoroughly attended to. A 1-page reminder on structure. INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH: 1 PROVIDE A HOOK/ATTENTION GETTER 2 SUMMARIZE THE STORY 3 TRANSITION TO THE THESIS STATEMENT BODY PARAGRAPH 5 PART SANDWICH STRUCTURE: 1 TOPIC SENTENCE 2 PROVIDE CONTEXT FOR THE TEXT YOU’RE USING. SET UP THE QUOTED, SUMMARIZED, OR PARAPHRASED PASSAGE 3 QSP: QUOTE, SUMMARIZE, OR PARAPHRASE A PRECISE PASSAGE - with citation 4 EXPLAIN AND DISCUSS WHAT YOU JUST QUOTED, SUMMARIZED, OR PARAPHRASED in 2-4 sentences of smooth academic writing 5 WRITE A CONCLUDING SENTENCE THAT WRAPS UP YOUR PARAGRAPH AND MAYBE EVEN CONNECTS BACK TO THE THESIS CONCLUSION 1 RE-WORD YOUR THESIS 2 PROVIDE SOME FRESH, NEW CONTENT/DISCUSSION 3 END WITH A MEMORABLE FINAL SENTENCE, SOMETIMES CALLED A “KICKER” OR A “BUTTON”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How can you convince a princess who will not speak to do so? Cinnamon is the story of a princess who is blind and mute. Her parents offer immense riches to any person who can teach their daughter to speak. Efforts by the palace members bear no fruits until a self-proclaimed man-eating tiger appears in the palace. The tiger boldly states that it has come to teach the princess how to talk. The tiger successfully managed to get the princess to talk because it connected with her other senses. When the tiger pierced her skin and licked her face, the princess experienced fear, pain, and love and expressed herself through words. The princess said that she did not talk because she did not have anything. This paper will discuss the effects of an enriching environment as one of the themes of the story.
The mystery of the jungle triggered some feelings in the princess. Though the palace had many mango trees, the princess was curious to experience the jungle's vegetation and greenery. She boldly expressed her desire to go with the tiger. When asked by her father if she could talk, she replied, "And now the tiger has told me of the jungle, of the chattering of the monkeys and the smell of the dawn and the taste of the moonlight and the noise of a lake full of flamingos make when it takes the air," And what I have to the day is this; I am going with the tiger." (Currie 156) The princess's free expression of her desire to go see the jungle...
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