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Modern Globalization and Global Ideologies (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:


The globalization characteristic of our modern age is a precondition for both Naomi Klein and David Treuer. Klein’s “Hot Money: How Free Market Fundamentalism Helped Overheat the Planet” contends that a robust response to the global climate crisis necessitates first addressing the effect that free trade ideologies have on climate change. She reasons that it is systems of thought—like “the three policy pillars of the neoliberal age”—that lock us into ways of thinking about our economies, and subsequently, inhibit our response to related crises (212). Treuer’s discussion of digital Indians centers on the globalization that occurs as a result of the development of digital technologies. Treuer recounts the stories of three Indians (Sean, Sarah, and Chelsea) and the Standing Rock (DAPL) protest to demonstrate how “digital Indians of the next generation are more and more quickly closing the gaps that separate us. In past eras, it might have been enough for Indians merely to survive . . . To be Indian today seems to be more a matter of action” (442). Treuer distinguishes the new generation from their predecessors by highlighting their embrace of (Western) modernity and their diverse forms of cultural expression.

Drawing specific, idea-rich quotations from both texts, compose an original argument in response to the following question: In what ways and to what ends do modern globalization and global ideologies influence or intersect with culture (practices, norms, expression, identity, etc.)?


Below are some further questions that may be useful to consider in generating your argument. Remember that you only need to address the above prompt in bold:

➢ What is culture and how is it expressed?

➢ How might the history of American colonial be a harbinger of neoliberal ideals?

➢ In what ways do companies impact culture?

➢ In what ways do government policies affect individuals’ conception of culture?

➢ How does resistance affect cultural practice, norms, expression, identity, etc.?

➢ How does each author respond to the modern age vs the past?


You must proofread carefully.

Quotations should be carefully transcribed, punctuated, and attributed. For bibliographic conventions, you may use MLA (preferred). Please follow the conventions of standard edited American English. Use 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spacing, and 12-point serif font (e.g. Times New Roman, Garamond, Palatino, or Baskerville). Number all pages. The paper should have your name, the date, and course information on the first page (as outlined in the attached “Style Guide”). Title your paper. Submit your paper electronically via Canvas’s “Assignments.” Email submissions are not acceptable.

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Modern Globalization and Global Ideologies
There is a necessity of noting that modern globalization poses a significant effect on societies' well-being. It is generally imperative to understand how different cultures and regional economies integrate through a global network of political ideas through trade, migration, foreign direct investment, and the spread of technology. However, modern globalization is a social process. On the other hand, globalism is a concept that encompasses religion, justice, and market globalism, which investigates the ideologies underlying globalization which provides meanings. For instance, modern globalization has brought the interest of understanding how neoliberal orthodoxies have delayed the attempts to lower environmental pollution through carbon emissions since the 1980’s ( Klein 205). Additionally, culture refers to the total pattern of human behaviors concerning their speech and actions—culture changes in varying economic and socio-political relations in times of population interaction during trading and transportation.
From a personal perspective, culture is an entire society. It refers to all the behaviors, beliefs, ways of life, and institutions of a population passed down from one generation to the next. Through culture, individuals and groups define themselves and conform to a given society's shared values. It entails the identification of one towards an agreed meaning as it was the case of Indians post their colonization where more people were simply identifying as Indians because what being Indian meant had changed as their conditions changed (Treure 409-410). Through globalization, greater awareness of cultural differences across the globe is enhanced. In the modern world, globalization is constant and even irreversible. Cultural mixing primarily plays a fundamental role in enriching the human spirit and acting as a powerful innovation source. Globalization of culture accelerates the nations' integration in the global systems by developing modern means of transport and economic relations. On the other hand, it is beneficial in enabling people to communicate more and learn about each other. However, it has continuously led to the loss of cultural identity. This aspect is noted, especially among younger generations who are further keen on adopting modern conduct, including fashion trends.
Globalization as a development model is generally regarded as a development policy and insists on the need for affordable education and the production of goods and services. It provides the basis for trade organizations where majority of them advocate for “National treatment” which requires the authorities to make no distinction between good produced by local companies and those from foreign firms outside their borders (Klein 210). The history of American colonial might be a harbinger of neoliberal ideals considering the principles of aggregate employment determination in addition to income distribution. As the supporting ideology of globalization, neoliberalism inflates the social significance of the market and human relations. Moreover, in production and manufacturing, neoliberalism operates under two critical principles. One of the principles includes aggregate employment determination, which affirms that free markets will not let valuable factors, such as labor, go to waste. However, the approach of adjusting prices operates based on ensuring that the demand is highly promising. Second is the principle of income distribution that asserts that production factors, for example, capital and labor, get paid. Concerning education, policymakers can implement neoliberal ideas by cutting government spending on education. As a result, the government will not employ excess teachers, thus ensuring educational facilities' construction.
Moreover, an organization's culture affects how people behave, taking into account a contingency factor in any programmed or developing company practices and policies. Wherever individuals work together in an organization often conflict will be inevitable. However, disagreements will occur more frequently between the working populations. The company culture is more likely to affect how people will argue and the conflict resolution formula they will adopt. For example, an organization would change the style to a more inclusive conflic...
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