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The Unfortunate Fate of Animals: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read Foer and Outline

Part 1

Read: Trifecta

Do: Trifecta, Essay. Remember, give your opposition a "voice." Who thinks it?

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The Unfortunate Fate of Animals
Factory farming for animal meat has always been an issue of controversy considering the circumstances that surround the growth of these animals. Generally, factory farming to process meat is a necessity for humans especially since it can lead to a drop in the price of meat and also cause the production of meat in large quantities. However, while this is true, factory farming for meat entails more than we know and often subjects animals to more pain and mistreatment than we understand. Ideally, this practice involves cruel and irresponsible treatment of animals, lack of support and rescue for sick animals and the issue of the complex relationship between animals and humans.
Factory farming to process meat is a necessity for humans because the factory provides almost all the meat we eat today. In other words, human beings depend on this factory for survival and without it many people would starve to death. Concerning this, it is mentioned that this factory farming “has allowed everyone to eat.” With the world having billions of people that need to eat, it only makes sense to rely on the farming factory, which produces enough food for everyone. This also brings in another idea that with factory farming, we can have more animals to produce more meat for people to eat. Accordingly, today, most people in America and all over the world, are able to access food because of the farming factory that produces enough animals for meat. Ideally, this has made protein more available and affordable for all the billions of people in the world.
Because of its ability to produce more meat, factory farming causes the price of meat to drop so we can get cheaper prices. The increasing world population and the high demand for animal meat has necessitated the need to “make an animal that produces more of the product at a lower cost,” (Foer). Since the economic situation in the United States requires that farmers produce a lot of cheap animal meat, this has led most of them to produce their meat genetically in order to make some profit. Given that this is a cheap method of producing meat, it has led to reduction of prices for meat. With cheaper prices, everyone can now afford to buy meat or animal protein.
However, despite the necessity of the farming factory...
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