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The struggle for feminism ideology in the 19th century

Essay Instructions:
I would like to get analysis essay that is four full pages in length. I have attached my teacher instructions for essay. And also I have attached five stories from my textbook. The stories' titles are The Yellow Wallpaper, Young Goodman Brown, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, A Rose for Emily, The Things They Carried. You can choose one of them for the essay and please follow the teacher\'s instructions to write the essay. We need to select only the stories from the textbook. The textbook title is \"A Little Literature\" (Reading, Writing, Argument) Sylvan Barnet, William Burto and William E. Cain. ISBN-9780321396198. We cannot use and cite outside source. Can you use two quotations from the story for each body paragraph? Can you add page number for the quotes and explain about the quotes? Can you also add personal opinion for about the story and characters? Thank you so much.
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The struggle for feminism ideology in the 19th century
The yellow wallpaper is a creative story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman who was a famous American writer of the time. She uses her short story "The Yellow Wallpaper" to bring forth her belief and statements about feminism (Feminism assumes that women have the same human, political and social rights as men do and in addition they should be given the same opportunities as men in their personal choices regarding careers, politics and expression.) and independence. She is able to bring forth her message to the audience/ readers through the terrors of one woman’s obsession, her entire mental state characterized by her encounters with the wallpaper in her room. It comes very clear from the story that the brain is not a sexual organ that can used to differentiate a male and a female. Charlotte Perkins Gilman very accurately portrays the thought process of the society during the time period in which “The Yellow Wallpaper” is written. This fact is (there is no difference in means of mentality between men or woman) well demonstrated in her story. Therefore, Using the aspects of irony one is able to bring forth a clear analysis of the “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman through the dialogue through both the male and female perspective.
To begin with, the author uses irony the dialogue of the husband and the narrator to bring forth men’s dominance on woman life in the time of writing the novel. This is made clear when the Narrator says, “If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression- - slight hysterical tendency- - what is one to do?” (272). Gilman shows the reader her husband (who represents male opinion) insensitivity and dominance because it does not matter what she says to him; he shrugs away her illness. The husband believes his wife is being overly dramatic and nothing is wrong. This kind of attitude makes the wife just a follower of his beliefs without an option. This actually adds to her illness. To add on the narrator becomes a victim of oppression as a result of her rights being neglected. It is clear from the story when the narrator says, “The he took me in his arms and called me a blessed little goose, and said he would go down to the cellar, if I wished , and have it Whitewashed into the bargain” (274). The important phrase to note here is “little goose”. This brings clearly the attitude the husband has toward the wife; he sees her as a child and speaks to her as such. What a bad siltation to be in! Imagine your husband or wife treating you as an 8 years old child, yet you have a fully equipped and intelligent brain and above all you have being to school. It is pathetic.
Secondly, the writer brings forth to the readers two aspects of woman during the time she lived through the use of irony. One of the aspects is traditionalist kind of a woman. These kinds of woman believe they should be submissive to men all the time regardless. They have no right of thinking for themselves. The narrator brings up this when he says, “I meant to be such a help to John, such a real rest and comfort, and here I am a comparative burden already” (280). The narrator feels guilty of her constant complains about the yellow wallpaper when he husband is clear on his decision not to change the wallpaper. She is blaming herself for being inappreciative to the room her husband chose for her, although she is sure she is able to find a solution to the problem disturbing her. The solutions included changing the room or removing the wallpaper. The second aspect is a modern kind of a woman who knows her rights. This is demonstrated at the end of the story when she finally overcome her conformist ways, “I’ve got out at last,” said I, “in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back” (284). This example demonstrates that th...
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