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Argumentative essay: Contact Zones

Essay Instructions:
This is an argumentative paper, in which you will make an argument about a "contact zone", a clash of culture within a particular community (or zone) of your choice using pratt's article (which has attached)as basis for your paper. you should think about groups that " clash and grapple" within "highly asymmetrical relations of power". in other words, conflic between groups with different positions of power. some examples might be chinese international student and native speaking students at university, disney movies such as pocahontas or mulan, LGBTQ youth in a heterosexual- dominated american society, etc. make your paper is focused and not too broad(don't say "the world is a contact zone"). remember to do the following: 1. make major/minor claims: develope a larger argument about the community and consider the smaller arguments that will help you to get there. 2. provide context: what would an outside reader need to know to understand your argument? define key terms, provide backgroud on authors ,etc. 3.summarize texts: to provide reader with a general understanding of an author's argument and how it relates to your own points. 4. synthesize texts: to emphasize the relationship between various authors and how your argument fits into the conversation. 5. address counter- arguments: what would critics say about your claim. 6.use quotations: to back up your claims about an author's argument. 7.provide stakes: tell me why your argument matters. 8.3 outside sources is needed.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Argumentative essay: Contact Zones
A contact zone occurs where people from different cultures or with different opinions and ideologies meet. The contact zone is influenced by authority and power of the clashing parties. Contact zones are defined by a sense of diversity and inequality that exists between the parties involved. Pratt identifies contact zones as a place where cultures meet clash and grapple (Pratt 33). Here there is uneven power due to colonialism or politics. Contact zones are eminent in the American political arena. The Republicans are at a constant clash with the Democrats each having a different ideology of how America should be managed. The constant interactions of these two groups have led to an instance of self deception within the members of the groups. This is because both the Republicans and Democrats have marginalized themselves and perceiving themselves as monocultures (Anderson 13). Transculturization and autoethnography usually occur in contact zones. In addition self deception may also occur especially in instances where conflicting parties exist as conjured entities. In an attempt to lead Americans the Republicans and Democrats often clash in their ideologies and opinions. Each party considers itself as the superior party worth of leading American and thus creating a contact zone.
The concept of monocultures is clearly evident from the manifestations of both the democrats and the republicans. To the democrats, the republicans are of no importance and their views and opinions are fallacious and they have no capacity to take Americans to a better life. Ironically, the republicans perceive the democrats in the same way. To the American citizens such ideas painted by these parties may make sense to them or not. However, they continue to align themselves with one of the party based on assumption hence forming part of the imagined community. This means they identify themselves to a party because of its ideologies and dismiss the other party because it doesn`t meet their perception of accepted principles. For instance a Christian Republican will definitely dismiss a democrat who is pro choice. Therefore deception can easily come about from a contact zone and especially to members who align themselves with imaginary existence (Anderson 20).
Over the years both parties has seen growth in terms of their members, concepts and tension between one another. Transculturization is evident in the growth of these parties in that each party is identified with specific cultures. For instance the Republicans are considered followers of Christian principles. At one point one party becomes dominant over the other. This happens in the event that party forms the government led by its president. In such a situation, the subordinated group identifies weaknesses in the dominant`s way of ruling and uses it to their advantage while tarnishing the dominant party`s image at the same time. This means that even though the subordinated party has no control over what the dominant culture does, it can uses such manifestation of the dominant party to increase themselves and try to attain a bargaining advantage. For instance during the tenure of President George H. W. Bush, who is a Republican, he made some grammatical mishaps when delivering his speeches. The Democrats used this to portray that they are more educated and knowledgeable that the Republicans. Another example is the infidelity committed by President Bill Clinton (a Democrat) with his secretary Monica Lewinsky (Palin 89). This was unexpected of the president and destroyed the image of the oval office. To the Republicans this was a brilliant...
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