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The Role of Language in the Society

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The Role of Language in the Society
Language is a crucial element in contemporary society due to its diverse societal roles. A society is incomplete without language since it shapes any activity that may jeopardize its ability to communicate effectively. Communication is mandatory in society for the successful completion of societal activities. Language can be described as communication between individuals established in a specific social phenomenon (García et al.). Thus, sociolinguistics plays a critical role in governing specific factors that guide the community in the society, including race, gender, and class. Therefore, since society is based on different cultures, language plays a substantial role in shaping different cultures, thus creating a positive cultural environment. The necessity of language in society was established at the beginning of the 20th century, when communication became a crucial element in promoting societal growth. In the same century, more research also began expanding to understand the necessity of language in shaping different cultures, peace, and harmony in society. One of the key elements that defined most social behaviors was language. In 1960, specific linguistic researchers established different social support to promote linguistic developments that could positively impact society (García et al.). They also correlated linguistics and societal growth, making sociolinguistics a key element in society. Language research was based on different elements such as Saussurean structuralism in different countries such as Britain and the United States. The main aim was to rebrand language as a critical ideological tool instead of studying singly as a subject. Therefore, the researchers heavily linked language with society. The paper probes the role of language in contemporary and society-specific strategies to promote language in society.
Language and Society
Language can be described as intergroup or interclass communication and thus brings different minds to society. One of the vital role that language play in society involves social purpose. It is linked with communicating different societal ideologies and beliefs depending on their significance. The intellectual and social capacity of society depends on communication and engagement. It defines different ideologies necessary for bringing the members of the society together. Language promotes patriotism at a societal level. Patriotism is a critical element that defines ones’ ability to defend the nation. However, language brings together different individuals to adequately embrace patriotism regardless of their differences (García et al.). For instance, a community that communicates a similar language can easily come together and address possible challenges that are likely to jeopardize its stability. It is also necessary to focus on suitable elements that may promote societal differences. As a member of society, it is necessary to align to specific societal needs that may not jeopardize peace and unity. Based on this factor, language plays a social role in bringing different individuals with unique ideologies into society. García et al. note that a society that focuses on a positive-oriented language would adequately embrace peace and unity. Therefore, language is necessary for the effective advancement of peace in society.
Additionally, language plays a crucial role in society since it embraces social networks. Social networks are effective in establishing reliable societal growth and higher performance. A positive social network brings the members of society together (García et al.). The social network defines the social environment of any speaker. It is necessary to justify that a social network promotes a better environment that articulates better ideologies for successful development and growth in society. A social network is necessary since it creates a societal bond that allows people to work together without any difficulty. Based on previous research, language strengthens social networks by ensuring positive transformation and engagement. The network must be based on different ideologies of societal members. It is also necessary to consider more vital forces that define a given society’s stability. It is only possible by positively embracing communal welfare. For instance, the members can rely on language to define specific characters that promote such isolation and appropriate interventions whenever there is isolation in the community.
A reliable social network in society is essential since it allows different individuals to mitigate possible risks and resolve conflicts quickly. The success of any social network relies on the ability to engage different members regardless of their ideas towards a unified direction. A social network in society relies on communication. Language creates a better framework for enhancing effective communication in societal networks (Wegener). It means that language must be given priority for successful transformation and enhancement of possible ideologies for societal growth. Society members must appreciate the role of language in stabilizing different practices that defines their engagement. Society must work in a reliable pattern that advocates for growth and success. Social networks and language are necessary since the network requires an effective communication approach achievable only by focusing on better strategies and growth (García et al.). For instance, society leaders must communicate their strategic direction and ideology in a reliable language that the followers understand and appreciate. Whenever society can successfully establish a social network, there must be a well-established framework that advocates for the members’ needs; this is only attainable through better communication.
The effective social network created in the society can only be successful whenever there is a reliable and timely structured framework that brings the local leaders together. The local leaders are responsible for streamlining the needs and expectations of the members depending on how well they are communicated (García et al.). Therefore, it means that language enhances social networking and advocates for a transformation in society. The societal members need to ensure they effectively coordinate with the leaders without expressing different societal problems. It is the essential role of the leaders to use reliable linguistic patterns necessary for strengthening social networks in society. It is also necessary to justify that language allows the societal leaders to understand the members’ expectations depending on their feedback through the social network. Therefore, it is necessary to justify that language shapes the societal network system, which consequently defines the level of societal engagement. Local leaders must advocate for reliable linguistic patterns while working with the members of the society.
Language also promotes adherence to gender roles in society. Society is a system based on different perspectives depending on the association of people or its members. Language allows society to specific define gender roles and behavioral patterns. According to Wegener, gender is essential since it defines social behaviors and gender requirements. There is a contrasting language among women and men in society; therefore, language streamlines the identified contrast. There is a strong relationship between language and gender, thus advocating for gender roles in society. The relationship is paramount since it allows the members to adequately focus on better opinions that can promote the rights of different genders in society. According to Blommaert, language enhances the dominance approach, a key element that defines the type of language used by males and females. It is also necessary to advocate for possible changes in gender roles depending on the language. The language used by men in society tends to be dominant and suppressive, thus giving them social control in different directions. In other words, it means that language shapes the role of women and men in society. Society is divided into two elements, dominance and the suppressive group. The two groups must be streamlined regardless of their gender. Language is necessary for this case since it advocates for unity and growth. Therefore, language adequately streamlines gender roles.
Language also plays a key role in society since it enhances civilization. Civilization is a key element in society since it defines different aspects. It allows the members of the society to learn and equip themselves with reliable ideologies necessary for transforming their minds. Civilization must adequately be considered in socie...
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