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Discussion on Black Workers in American Society

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See the attached assignment. The subject is “black workers in American society”

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1 According to the article, “Overview of persistent discrimination,” there are three sources of discrimination; individual, organizational, and structural sources. Individual sources are those acts of discrimination carried out by individuals based on stereotyped beliefs on other races. As a result, African Americans are subjected to unequal treatment in workplaces by ignoring their qualifications and potentials for recruitment into higher-level jobs. The individuals who are often the source of this type of discrimination are employers who often believe that young African men are immoral, lazy, and not intelligent compared to Caucasian youth. Organizational sources of discrimination are often established by various institutions’ rules and laws, policies, and practices. Institutions in place act as a source of discrimination by enacting and enforcing impartial policies and discriminating against African Americans in the workplace. Structural causes of discrimination entail daily accepted aspects of behavior that promote discriminatory activities on African Americans. Structural is found within the housing, education, and employment sectors whereby there is unequal treatment.
2 There have been many disparities experienced in women, especially in work and their payment. Over time, the gender gap pay has been relatively stable. However, changes have been experienced with research in 2020 indicating that women earned 84 % of what men earned. The persistence of this gender pay gap is based on educational attainment, occupational segregation, and work experience. Although women have played a massive role in narrowing this gap, men still dominate higher-paying jobs, with women continuously being over-represented in lower-paying occupations.
3 The article ‘The Mark of a Criminal Record’ employs matched pair of individuals in applying for real-entry jobs in a bid to establish the extent to which criminal record alone acts as a barrier to employment opportunities among qualified applicants. Besides, the article demonstrates how criminal records and racial differences bring about labor inequalities. It is established in the article that the prison population has been chiefly consequential for the blacks, with the rate of incarceration for young black men far much higher compared to white men within the same age group. Besides, since the likelihood of young black men to experience incarceration in ...
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