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The Pros and Cons of Producing Processed Food

Essay Instructions:

Draft Essay WITH one-page explanation of Innovation

Draft Essay, using SSS and your primary research. Mark the Slant, Support, and Synthesis as exemplified Draft.pdf. Each paragraph should be well-supported and have a clear purpose. Remember that for every essay you will be completing a stylistic innovation (prompt below). It's not required to have that in your draft, but it's a good time to start thinking about it or start including it.

Innovation: The Writing Style Experiments

In each of your essays, you are required to conduct some kind of writing experiment. Think of it like a stylistic "innovation." Each essay must contain something stylistic that you’ve never done before as a writer. Here are some examples:

Incorporating some aspect of a writer’s style into your own essay. For example, you might read Dan Ariely and write an essay from his point of view, or incorporate a similar sense of humor into your essay. Stylistic experiments can be important and can help you grow as a writer. They can include humor, rhetorical questions, varying sentence length/variety, using subordination, word choice, colloquial language…

Using pictures or other visuals in your essays.

Creating a sound recording or video.

Writing in boxes or writing in the margins or formatting your text in a way that helps explain or support your thesis/slant.

Writing a poem or song lyrics or a comic.

Creating any kind of artistic representation—be it a drawing, sculpture, painting, photograph—to include in your essay.

These are only a few ideas. Don’t just pick one from above and do it unless it really fits your essay and slant. DO NOT just tack on a poem or a drawing to the end of an essay. Each innovation needs to be incorporated into the essay. It must be a part of the project and add something to the project, not be a separate project.

The way to approach this on all your essays is to think about what kind of experiment/innovation would help us, the readers, further understand your arguments, points, and ideas. Think out of the box, and use writers that you like as inspiration.

It’s important to remember that in this course a failed innovation in one of your essays will not negatively affect your grade. The only thing that will affect your grade is if you don’t experiment with style. It’s also important to remember that in this course each essay still needs to have the fundamentals of an essay. The innovation doesn't make it a free-for-all.

Try something. In this course, you are always rewarded for trying something new, even if it fails.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Pros and Cons of Producing Processed Food
Have you ever thought of the processed meat you have been eating? Have you ever been curious about the processes that meat had to undergo before it reaches your plate? It is about time that you think of the meat products you pick in the grocery market. Because you never know which one is trustworthy when it comes to production and hygiene. So, to give you a little background on meat production, let me give you some pros and cons of processed meat. Moreover, I hope you consider these points as reminders for your next meat purchase.
First of all, processed meat is factory-farmed animals. Yes, the factory has its farm of animals where they harvest the meat. No, they are not organic. The meat you eat is not ordered meat from organic and country-side farms. There may be companies that do that.
But in most cases? They are not. Food processing factories typically grow and multiply their supply of products. So, they raise their chickens, pigs, cows, ducks, and other livestock animals. It is more convenient for them because they do not need to pay another company for a product or material they will be suing. They have their farms that the only goal is to multiply the livestock animals as future processed foods or products.
Now, what I have just mentioned are not yet the pros and cons. We are just getting started. So, whenever you are ready to know more about your processed food, then read on.
Let us first start with positive information about food processing companies to spoil your meal. The good news is that food processing has contributed to the convenient consumption of meat of humans. Poultry farming has produced products from raw meat to packed, processed food. Innovation in that industry has allowed multiplication of poultry animals to produce large quantities of food products (Foer). Thus, when you buy raw meat, of course, you will need to get the necessary ingredients for your desired menu. Sometimes the process of cooking requires marinating, soaking, boiling, and preparing other ingredients. Preparation already takes up time. With processed food, sometimes you have to prepare the cooking oil and the pan. Some processed foods also only require you to put the packed ingredients together, and you are done. They are convenient, especially in times when cooking will be more work.
The second good thing about processed food is that, because food processing companies have their farms, they multiply the animals to process massive consumption. The world is getting denser and denser as people continue to grow each day. That means more consumers are added every day. Supplies are not always enough for everyone. However, food processing companies can make varieties of products for all consumers. People do not have to worry about other products getting out of stock.
The third positive thing about processed food is that it is cheap. Food processing companies produce products in batches and larger quantity (Foer). They use machinery and manual labourers to produce thousands of products to be sold to the market. This method allows companies to cut the cost of the products because they are made in large quantities. So, it is one of the conveniences of processed foods. They are affordable and accessible to everyone.
However, despite the conveniences and affordability of processed food, some drawbacks are out of our sight. You must have once wondered how these magnificent, compact, ad processed foods come to life. Well, most of us are clueless because we are not part of the production. So, what is there that we do not know?
First off, we are not sure about the hygiene of processed food. Sure, they ar...
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