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The Hours New York, NY Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

In the novel (not the movie) by Michael Cunningham, in what ways do each of the women find themselves constrained by society, themselves or otherwise?

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The Hours
There are many books that have been written concerning women lives and the various problems they encounter. not only is the novel The Hours about women but also about life. It is about the Present-day American community. The book is generally about depression, passion, and obsession due to the way the women are viewed and inhibited and sometimes motivated by the male figures and the suppositions that deluge themCITATION Mic132 \p 56 \l 1033 (Cunningham 56). There are three lives that are twirled together in the creation of this incredible story which is probably about how mother’s behavior can affect her child’s life.
Evidently, the women in this story were constrained by themselves. Laura is portrayed as having Woolf's personality, both of them suffer from depression and while Laura contemplated suicide, Woolf took her own life. The male figures impact on them takes cause in the whole story. Virginia stays in Richmond even though she dislikes it but has to because her husband is following the doctor’s orders. Laura, on the other hand, is so worked up due to the failure of baking a cake for her husband.CITATION Mic132 \p 101 \l 1033 (Cunningham 101) She was basically trying to be the perfect wife and mother aside from the fact that she was unhappy.
In Clarrisan Vaughan life, she spends so much time organizing for the party that obviously Richard would never attend. It is evident that these women were trying to please the men in their lives at the expe...
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