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The Great Gatsby Character Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Unlike the short stories we have come to know well, a novel usually has far more characters portrayed in great depth. Analyze at least three main characters in The Great Gatsby and assess their strengths and weaknesses.
What do you think the author F. Scott Fitzgerald wants to tell us through his narrator Nick Carraway? You may shape your answer in two ways, one on a personal level (sort of as a friend) and one on a literary level (as a writer with a keen historical sense).
Please note, this assignment is worth 4 points. Your post needs to be at least 400 words.
Unlike the regular schedule we have been following for the weekly posts, this assignment is to be finished in two weeks: your goal is to finish the first four chapters this week (14) and then the rest next week (15). This arrangement is made to accommodate the longer reading material.

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The Great Gatsby Character Analysis
The Great Gatsby, written by Scott Fitzgerald, is perhaps one of the most intriguing and interesting novels written within the century. The brilliant composition of the plot, characters, and revelations creates a very vivid experience for the readers. However, one of the main things that piques interest among the readers is its characters as well as the different stories that each of them would have to face, in relation to the overall story.
Among all the characters in the story, one of the most memorable one is Jay Gatsby, the story’s protagonist. Gatsby’s life story revolves around a series of twist and turns, from being the son of a poor farmer from North Dakota to being one of the wealthiest individuals in the place where he resided. In line with this, the story shows some of the most pertinent strengths of his character such as determination, hard-work, and ambition. Gatsby has always been portrayed as the man who would do everything do get the thing that he wants. A man who was able to build an empire just to be able to reunite with the love of his life, Daisy. However, these strengths also prove to be his weaknesses at the end. His ambitions has led him to the path of greed and revenge. He got into several ‘shady businesses’ such as gambling and bootlegging, in order to satisfy his own ambitions.
Another note-worthy character is Daisy Buchanan, who was Gatsby’s true love. Upon first meeting each other, Gatsby has always seen her as the g...
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