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The effects of online dating services

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The title of the Essay is: \"The effects of online dating services\" MLA /double spaced/arial/2 1/2-3pages/2-3 references Please refer to the document attached with instructions from the professor. Please proof read and spellcheck. Each page should have my last name and page number at the top right corner example: Redmond1 page 1 should be double space with the following at the left margin. see attached example of page 1: Janell Redmond English 1301 Sharon Prince April 05, 2013
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Janelle Redmond
English 1301
Sharon Prince
May 01, 2013
The effects of online dating services
As a result of development in the ICT sector in the entire world, and particularly in the United States of America, there has been a tremendous rise in the use of communication technologies in the establishment and maintenance of interpersonal relationships. Since the early 90`s, the entire globe has shown an overwhelming number of people embracing use of online technologies in their interpersonal communication. For instance, use of emails, social sites such as dating websites, Facebook, Tweeter, 2go, and Skype technology among other dating sites have been argued to posses numerous visitors on a daily basis. I intend to discuss some of the most significant effects of online dating with their possible consequences, where the majority users in terms of gender and age are worth mentioning.
Online dating, can therefore, be defined as a social and deliberative technique of meeting new friends mediated by social sites, specifically designed to act as a channel for such purposes (Finkel 2012). Despite majority of people having misconceptions and contradictory arguments on online dating upon its incorporation, "people no longer think of online dating as a last resort for desperadoes and creeps" (Paumgarten, 41). Behaviours and attitudes are obviously linked, hence worth assertion that the effects of online dating can be both positive and negative, not biased on the negative side only as majority of people tend to assume. Consequently, emergence of positive attitude is realized courtesy of positive experience realized upon an individual`s exposure to such online dating sites. According to Doan and Meyers (2011) positive awareness as well as attitude from one individual having tasted the positive side of online dating can lead others to have that desire of trying online dating.
According to a previous research, back in 2003, approximately 40 million US citizens who happened to be users of online dating services, had developed dedicated obsession to deliberative online dating (Fiore and Donath 2004; Pew Internet & American Life Project 2003). Doan and Meyers (2011) provide that online dating tend to facilitate the tendency of a certain mindset, where some individuals tend to generally assume that another online partner as being a romance or sex partner, hence developing a language that may flatter the other user or even assault him or her romantically. This tendency has therefore demonstrated to be very pervasive in a number of dating sites whereby majority of users, particularly female users have explained that people should not practice such things since it would be a sign of weakness as well as discouraging prospective users (Doan and Meyers, 2011).
It is worthy arguing that majority of single people (in terms of marital status) have taken the advantage of provision of the globalization situation where the entire world seems to be connected through communication technology hence making communication simple, reliable and efficient. Today, internet users have considered online services in pursuing their intimacies and interests, but some have become perpetrators of false identity. In the 21st dating century, it is worthy mentioning ...
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