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The Diary of a Young Girl

Essay Instructions:

In a five to seven page paper respond to: What experiences did Anne undergo while in hiding? What was ultimate perspective on her situation? Have we learned anything from this story in the 21st century?

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The Diary of a Young Girl
What experiences did Anne undergo while in hiding?
Anne Frank received the diary as her 13th birthday gift. The diary vividly narrates her experience while living during World War II in Netherland Amsterdam at the time when the Germans had invaded Holland and were forcefully forcing jews to emigrate to Germany in concentration camps. Anne's diary starts by documenting her everyday life before the invasion. An experience that she considered lovely and wholesome and that involved schooling, social interactions, and affection with friends and family, not knowing how fast this would change for her.
The German's invasion in Holland offset the former balance of life that existed before. The Gestapo arrested and mishandled jews without a good reason for the basis of their race and religion. They sent them into concentration camps and, in the process, killing others. For this reason, some jews running into hiding since fear escalated among the jews in Holland. Otto, Anne's father, had identified a suitable hideout for his beloved family, a space located behind the building that used to be his office, and they branded it "the secret Annexe." More people joined Otto's family with the time, and these included Mr. Alfred Dussel and the Van Daals families. The diary provides an exquisite illustration of Anne's life experiences while hiding at "the secret annex" during the eve of World War II and the fear that surrounded these times (p. 22).
According to her narration, Anne is forced to undergo a horrific and turbulent experience while hiding through her diary. Anne, her family, and the families of Mr. Alfred and Van Daal were forced to run into hiding in a tiny office. They experience several challenges comprising a lack of enough bed spaces. Anne and her sister Margot share a small room while their mother and father's bedroom is also their sitting room. Their kitchen is also Mr. and Mrs. Van Daans bedroom (p.18). The absence of bathrooms and even problems with the toilet sometimes is also worth noting. The challenges led to such issues as sharing bed spaces leading to congestion of the little area they had; some of the people who were in hiding at "the secret annex were forced to go without having to take a bath, and Ane and her father were forced to attend to their nature calls in a pot when the toilet in their hiding place was under renovation (p. 35).
While in hiding also, Anne and the other people were forced to adapt to a life characterized by scarcity of food as recorded in the diary with them forced to line for their daily meals that included vegetables that consisted of weekly rations and inadequate medical services with doctors fearing to leave their niches due to fear of burglaries which was on the escalate during these times. Anne was also to walk to school since she narrates that she had her bicycle stolen during the Easter holiday, and she wishes not to be going to school during such times. Still, she is also not so bothered since her agony was soon over since the holiday was near (p.8). Anne's life at the hiding place was also associated with constant fear. German warplanes always hovered over Holland, dropping bombs and killing innocent jews without a reasonable cause. Every time a plane would hover over their hiding place, they would be so frightened to the extent of Anne scampering to hide under her dad's bed to feel secure (p. 22). The Germans had also threatened to flood the country if need be to defend it posed a significant threat since this would cut the supply of everything essential to those in hiding (p. 147).
The continuous raging of war and bombardments resulting from warplanes flying over, explosions of bombs and guns also triggered psychological torture and traumas with people having to live each and even day fearing for their lives. Pronounced burgl...
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