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Object analysis. Literature & Language Assignment.

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object analysis

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Object Analysis
The Annunciation of Mary was painted in the sixteenth century by Paolo Veronese. The painting represents the announcement by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that through the Holy Spirit, she would conceive and give birth to Christ. The painting represents a religious scene, and it is essential among Christians because it facilitates Jesus's embodiment, which brings salvation to all humankind's sins and Christ's eventual death on the cross. In this case, the Annunciation of Mary may be considered Christian art, and it represents a story that is central to the Christian gospel that appears in the Bible. The literature analyzes the painting of the Annunciation of Mary and examines the form and design principles.
The painting shows key elements that include the dove, which represents the Holy Spirit, which is essential among Christians because it acts as a spiritual symbol of God active in the world. In the painting, the dove is seen descending on a ray of light, and this represents the inexpressible nature of the Holy Spirit. Additionally, the dove would be representing the presence of God's spirit when the angel was making the prophesy that Mary would give birth to a child. Most importantly, the light near the dove would have been used by Veronese to depict how God reveals Himself to the world and shows the path of God from heaven. The angel is also a significant figure in the painting and has strong solid wings. The angel in this painting acts as God's messenger and brings good news to Mary. Also, the angel is seen pointing up, which would be indicating to Mary that he was sent by the God above.
The painting of the Annunciation of Mary belongs to renaissance art. Ordinarily, renaissance art includes the artwork produced during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries in Europe. The art produced during this period depicts an increased awareness of nature and also provides an individualist view of man. There are critical characteristics that are associated with renaissance art; these include the discovery of linear perspective and the use of vanishing points. The artists of renaissance art applied innovations in mathematics to establish linear perspectives using parallel lines, horizon lines, and a vanishing point, and this was applied in portraying space and depth in artwork (The Artist). It is critical to note that since painting is two-dimensional, the use of linear perspective helped in establishing a three-dimensional look. Paolo Veronese used the linear perspective in creating a 3-dimensional look in Annunciation of Mary. Besides, renaissance art facilitated the rebirth of naturalism, which was pioneered by Leonardo da Vinci, who helped set the standards for painting and drawing effective and correct bodies. Veronese painted effective bodies in Annunciation of Mary, and this is demonstrated in the body posture of both the angel and Mary. Further, renaissance art focused on the religious subjects and characters, and this fits in the Annunciation of Mary artwork.
The line is used in artwork in different ways and may be used in suggesting depth, distance and would also be used in depicting different range...
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