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The Community Advocacy Research Paper
Essay Instructions:
Step 1:
Select a community that is important to you.
A community is a group of people who share something—like a place, a hobby, a struggle, a value, or a profession—that binds them together. Choose a community that matters to you (whether you’re a member of that community or just interested in it). You’ll study this community throughout Module 3. And yes, you can select, as your community, the discourse community you studied in Writing Project #2: The Annotated Bibliography!
(I want to choose the gaming community)
Step 2:
Consider a few advocates who you might interview.
Take some time to come up with options and carefully consider those options before making your interviewee choice.
Step 3:
Select a community advocate and conduct an interview.
Select someone in your life—a friend, a family member, a teacher, etc.—who has written a text to advocate for positive change in a community. This “text” does not necessarily need to be a formally written document like a letter or email (although these are both viable options). A "text" could also be a video posted to a social media account, a series of tweets (twitter thread), or even a physical document like a flyer or poster. The main requirements are that 1) the person you interview wrote the text themselves, and 2), the text(s) was/were designed to create positive change. As such, someone who has composed a text in order to spread hate speech, conspiracy theories, and/or misinformation would be disqualified as this would not be composing for positive change.
Step 4:
Prepare for your interview.
Conduct secondary research: find sources that can help you better understand the kind of advocacy your interviewee engages in (and the topics surrounding it) and/or the writing practices of advocates.
Write interview questions: compose queries that will invite your interviewee to describe and reflect on the process they use to complete their advocacy writing.
Schedule an interview: secure a time to actually pose those questions to your interviewee.
Conduct the interview: record it, and take notes during the interview.
Step 5:
Conduct MORE secondary research.
Continue to find sources that can help you better understand the kind of advocacy your interviewee engages in (and the topics surrounding it) and/or the writing practices of advocates.
Step 6:
Write the paper.
Organize and compile your research into a traditional research paper that crafts and supports an argument about writing strategies and community advocacy. There are many different ways to structure a research paper, and there is no “right way” to organize one. That being said, there are best practices for doing so. For your paper, we are requiring you to follow a couple of those best practices (regardless of the structure you use). With that in mind, your paper should should do the following:
Include an introductory section that engages your audience and announces your purpose and your argument (i.e., how and why writing is important/helps to create change in that advocacy)
Include a section that provides background and context about the advocacy you’re looking at, as well as examples of writing in that advocacy
Include a profile of your advocate and the kind of writing they do. You should provide readers with any contextual information they need to understand your advocate and at least two concrete examples of your advocate’s writing. These can be screenshots, textual evidence, etc. This section should also explain how the examples--whether directly or distantly--affect change for the target community.
A conclusion that leaves readers with takeaways, insights, and/or paths forward for encountering, examining, or even doing advocacy writing.
Adhere to formatting conventions according to MLA or APA standards. This is a formal research paper, and you should do your best to adhere to academic conventions, which include accurate citation and formatting practices.
Criteria for Quality:
This assignment is graded for quality, meaning that it is all about doing your best work as a writer–showing how, when you’re trying your hardest, you can (using learning materials) meet a project goal. Thus, your grade will be based on how closely you meet the project goals. Your research paper will be evaluated on the following criteria (view the assignment rubric for complete evaluation criteria):
Clear focus on advocacy writing and its key components
Your research paper should focus on advocacy writing and the writing of a particular advocate, as well as the role of advocacy in creating change broadly, as well as in the specific community of your chosen advocate. To reach this goal, your paper should include an introductory section, a background/contextual section, a profile of your advocate and their writing, and a conclusion as described above.
Logical and easily navigable organization
A good research paper will be clearly and logically organized. Your research paper should have an introduction, multiple body paragraphs and sections, as well as a conclusion that highlights the research paper’s insights and value to readers.
Effective use of sources
Your research paper should use both primary and secondary sources to support and complicate your ideas and the argument(s) you’re making. You will also want to make sure that you effectively integrate your sources/quotations into your writing and that you expand/clarify the relevance of your sources; your writing shouldn't assume readers will make the connections that you’re intuitively making in your head.
Adherence to conventions of academic discourse/writing
You will want to do your best to model academic discourse/writing. This means that your tone should be formal and collegiate and that your writing is crafted for a, mostly, academic audience. This also means that you should attempt to make writerly moves that are inherently rhetorical. Said another way, your writing should not only explore an advocacy/advocacy writing but persuade readers of something about that advocacy/advocacy writing. Further, you will want to make sure that your writing stays on topic and that you consciously and consistently relate your ideas and use of sources to a larger idea that you lay out early on.
Polish of final product
Academic writing is carefully revised, edited and contains few surface errors (typos, grammar issues, format issues, etc.). Therefore, your final draft should be free of such errors and adhere to MLA or APA format.
Criteria for Completion
While this assignment is graded for quality, it should still be complete. To be considered "complete," your submission must . . .
Consist of a minimum of 1,250 words
Employ a minimum of five credible sources (including your interview); note: you may re-use sources from Writing Project #2--but at least three of your sources should be new.
Use either MLA or APA format
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The Community Advocacy Research Paper
Video games have become a cultural institution, making the gaming community comprising developers, designers, players, artists, writers, and gamers a significant part of the contemporary process. It knows no boundaries, countries, languages, or age barriers; it connects people through their love for game interactivity. Nevertheless, it must be understood that this vivid digital economy originates a set of problems. Problematic characteristics include predatory microtransactions, annual game releases often repackaged with little improvement, and toxic online gaming behavior. In the concerns outlined, gaming community advocacy has become as vital in tackling them through academic writing as dissent, rallying point, and call to action. Proponents employ various forms of writing to influence developers in social media interactions, blog posts, and visually appealing digital works. Gaming advocacy literature speaks out against exploitative behaviors and promotes inclusivity, encouraging change. Analyzing activists like Anthony, who employ digital artwork and significant commentary, makes one wonder how literature may aid in narrating this industry and pushing for a game change. Writing is the determinant of revolution in gaming, allowing passion and intent to call for change.
Background and Context
Gaming is a dynamic, expansive network of humans that transcends borders, cultures, and generations. This community is united through a shared passion for interactive entertainment, and this passion is celebrated in creativity, collaboration, and camaraderie. Gaming allows unity to enter new worlds, play meaningful competitions in any way, and press themselves creatively through gaming and content creation. However, the community faces many problems, ranging from being inclusive to solving issues with toxicity, exploitative monetization practices, and gamer rights.
The gaming community has its central value, inclusivity, and advocates encourage making the game more accessible for players with disabilities. For example, Kaigo and Okura highlight that "video games and online games can both be considered significant means of social participation for people with disabilities" (1). Advocacy in this area focuses on encouraging developers to implement features like "easy mode" and "color vision support." However, despite the importance of these features, Kaigo and Okura note that "the MIC does not strongly promote game accessibility for the elderly and people with disabilities compared to other platforms such as the web, e-books, etc." (4). Without institutional support, grassroots advocacy is essential.
Another lurking problem is toxicity in online gaming spaces. Often, advocacy writing within the community focuses on harassment and bullying. Advocates use Twitter threads and online forums to hold the toxic accountable and encourage positive interactions. Pitroso observes that "digital media trends reinforced identity fragmentation and individualization in the tastes" (4). This fragmentation ensures echo chambers in which toxic behaviors can continue to be perpetuated. Still, it can also allow for the ability to target and counteract such behaviors within specific subgroups of the community. For instance, Reddit posts about harassment victims will often provide resources for them, as well as strategies for reporting abusive players.
Advocacy has also targeted predating monetization practices, such as microtransactions. Critics, including players, have decried these practices for encouraging excessive spending on in-game items. Nevertheless, advocacy is often expressed through critical blog posts, comment threads, and viral social media campaigns. Pitroso points out that "video games are prevalently framed as a market-driven consumerist practice... while strategies to contrast such a process are not a common practice among video games players" (2). This dynamic needs to be changed, and advocacy writing takes steps towards this by asking developers to adopt more ethical monetization models and asking players to speak out against their issues.
However, they also work to preserve gaming as a cultural and artistic medium beyond those challenges. Blogs and forums discussing the history and cultural meaning look to learn more about gaming than just entertainment. In reality, advocacy writing in the gaming community is numerous. These are in-depth analy...
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