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Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism in Battle of Algiers Filmttle of Algiers(film)

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: This assignment is designed to challenge you to write critically and analytically about a problem, theme, etc. in a particular piece of literature. Ideally, this will help you prepare to write your literary analysis, especially if you are inexperienced in writing thesis-driven/argumentative essays about literature. You may even decide to expand your topic for the end-of-semester literary analysis.

Furthermore, your short paper will be used to help fuel class discussion on that particular date. At the conclusion of your paper, you should include ONE discussion-style question (i.e. a question subject to interpretation).
Instructions: I want to leave this fairly open, but there are some specific things I'm looking for, as well as things I'd rather not see…
Treat this as a formal writing assignment

❖ You should have a title that describes the subject matter of your paper (not just the title of the text you're writing on)
❖ Write in coherent, complete sentences; construct cohesive paragraphs. It may be helpful to visit the Writing Center for assistance in this regard.
❖ Introduce a clear and thoughtful thesis or argument early on, and use the rest of the paper to support, expand, and/or complicate that argument.
❖ Provide textual support – direct quotes, reference to certain scenes, literary devices, etc.
❖ Because this assignment is rather short, you don't really need to have fully-formed introductory and conclusory paragraphs, but you should still have a logical opening and ending to the paper (i.e. don't end abruptly).

Engage analytically with the work of literature itself

❖ Feel free to incorporate elements from Lenses readings, keeping in mind that the primary work (or author) you signed up for is what you're responsible for focusing on.

❖ If there are multiple poems assigned for the date you've signed up for, you may focus on as many, or few, of them as you wish. Just remember that you need to produce a cohesive, focused paper.

❖ It's worth mentioning again: provide textual support! You need to back up your assertions. Literary criticism is a matter of interpretation, not facticity, but interpretations not backed by textual evidence are not well-regarded.

❖ Suggestions for angles you might take for this assignment: a) cultural or thematic significance of a particular character, setting, or event, b) the purpose or effect of a certain literary device or technique, c) close reading of a brief passage from the text, d) something important the work or author has to say about society, the world, etc.

❖ Light outside research from credible, scholarly sources may be useful, but is not required. I'm most interested in your own ideas, so be judicious with source material if you choose to include outside research.

Avoid the following:

❖ Summarizing extensively: Bear in mind that you're not trying to recap what happened in the story, novel, etc. even though it may be necessary to occasionally mention things like plot details when supporting your argument.

❖ Biographies: Depending on your topic, certain biographical details of the author could be helpful in supporting your thesis, but don't let the paper turn into a biography of the author.

❖ Reading response: We will occasionally have in-class and online prompts where I ask you to write on your reactions—what you think or feel about a piece—but this assignment is more formal and argument-driven. Therefore, you should avoid papers about why you liked or didn't like a work, why you found it confusing, who your favorite character was, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism in Battle of Algiers Film
Battle of Algiers is a film that documents the Algerian uprising that took place in 1954-1962 in Algeria and it was against the French colonial rule that was taking place in the city of Algiers. In the early stages of the film, we identify with Ali and FLN and later we are able to see the practical application of the campaign that is carried out by FLN. Battle of Algiers enables the viewer to learn about terrorism and how terrorism campaign and an anti-terrorist campaign can be put in place to get rid of terrorism. The film presents two main arguments on nature and the justification of terrorism. M'hidi presents the fact that terrorism is a big problem and insurgency terrorism, on the other hand, causes little damage and little casualties. He also argues that terrorism is justified since it is the only means of fighting against injustices and oppression experienced by the people.
At the beginning of the film, FLN is trying to begin their campaign by setting up a safe area. They declare that FLN will ban drugs, alcohol, pimping, and prostitution. As such, the organization is able to establish its authority over Kasbah. On their side, the people are forced to decide whether they will obey the demands or risk being punished. The people decide to obey the orders that they have been given and as such FLN is now free to move freely. The scene presents to the viewer how a terrorist campaign is set to begin which will later lead to a revolt of the Kasbah people against the French colonial government since FLN later gains support and obedience from the people. Later, FLN mobilizes the people of Kasbah and they actively engage them in their revolt against the French colonialists.
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