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Research And Describe Does Social Media Create Isolation?

Essay Instructions:

Opening paragraph: Introduction of thesis/claim in broad terms, situating the argument within a larger context this paragraph should culminate with a clear statement of overarching thesis/identification of problem
Body paragraphs (3 or more): Considerations and support, incorporating research
Refutation of opposition: Accounting for and negating at least one chief oppositional perspective
Conclusion: Reiteration of thesis given the discussion of the essay
Length : 4 – 4 1/2 double-spaced pages (12 point, Times New Roman)
Sources: 3 academically viable sources (as discussed in Blog)
Format: MLA (as discussed in class and LB Brief)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Title
Does Social Media create Isolation?
Social networking sites (SNS) usually result in a feeling of isolation since they end up negatively affecting people’s real-life relationships. Research studies have shown that increased reliance on SNS leads to isolation since the youth are unable to form strong relationships with their friends, colleagues, and family members. Scholars argue that although there are benefits of using the social media, there are negative implications when it comes to developing, mediating, and establishing long-term relationships (Saleem, et al 41). This is because social networks affect the normal socialization processes as well as the positive developments that are associated with face-to-face interactions and the formation of relationships. This paper argues that social networks lead to a feeling of isolation and analyzes the factors that contribute to poor social development.
Social isolation is defined as a state where a person does not have a sense of real social engagement, true social belonging, and the capacity to form fulfilling relationships. Social media has often been blamed for the occurrence of social isolation for people, especially the youth, are unable to form long-lasting relationships with their colleagues. Furthermore, SNSs have been responsible for increased isolation, which also leads to negative health effects as well as increased risks of morbidity and death (Primack, et al 1). SNSs influence the youth to remain isolated for an extended period of time, which increases the prevalence of certain diseases such as obesity, and mental complications such as stress and depression. Scholars argue that social isolation can be analyzed from two perspectives. The first one includes objective social isolation that causes lack of real social ties, and the second is subjective social isolation that leads to the absence of the feeling of engagement with people (Primack, et al 2). However, the author argues that the social isolation features may relate to each other, but they are not necessarily similar. This is because a person objectively isolated may not be having a feeling of loneliness, while another one who is connected objectively to a group of people may also be feeling lonely.
Studies have revealed that social species cannot live well when they stay in solitary confinement, yet social networks make people to remain solitary for an extended period. The internet has created a situation where people remain glued to SNSs for long, which is similar to being alone in a group of people. Therefore, expansion of social media has led to the spread of a structure of loneliness, yet people continue to believe that they are interconnected with a network of friends (Cacioppo, Fowler and Christakis 977). Furthermore, studies have already revealed that social isolation reduces the quality of life, particularly when people start believing that they can prosper comfortably in isolation. Numerous publications have already shown that a solitary lifestyle increases the prevalence of diseases such as diabetes and this decreases the quality lifespan of people. Social isolation leads to loneliness and this tends to be rampant when people confine most of their time on social media. On the other hand, a shared environment contributes greatly to healthy living, especially when people are able to come together and share the problems. Increased reliance on social media is one of the leading contributors to social isolation and loneliness, which eventually lead to the development of other health complications.
Scholars have also revealed that there is a close connection between SNSs and numerous instances of mismanaged expect...
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