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Personal Code Of Ethics Example Paper

Essay Instructions:

Spring 2018Personal Code of Ethics 
Objective and Purpose:  The objective of this assignment is to develop a first draft of a personal code of ethics (PCE).  Your PCE should be an original document that represents a thoughtful effort to communicate who you are, what you believe, why you believe what you believe, and how you will integrate these elements in your professional development, business relationships, and management of ethical challenges. We will work to develop a habit of revisiting and revising our PCEs periodically to remain focused on who we are and what we want to be both personally and professionally.
As with all assignments, the value of this task will relate directly to your effort in completing it.  My hope is that you will make a strong effort to develop a PCE that represents you in a meaningful way.  Ultimately, this task is designed to help you evaluate and manage your personal assortment of virtues and vices that represents your character and affects your decisions, your development, your reputation, and ultimately your destiny.
Specifics: Please develop a concise (typed and single-spaced) document (ONE page) that clearly communicates your PCE.  I am not after a “right” answer. Ultimately, I am looking for evidence of a good faith effort to clearly and cleanly communicate your personal system for evaluating right and wrong and acting in ways consistent with that evaluation.  Specifically, your code should be a very individualized document that reflects the values (virtues) you prioritize, the internal and external risks (vices) you face, and your plan for bridging your PCE into behavior.  This evaluation and code can reflect any values, training, and experiences you consider relevant.  Merely saying “I believe in being a good person” is not sufficient. You must specify what that means to you, why you believe that, and how it has/ will be applied in your personal/ professional endeavors. 
You can organize your PCE in any way you want, but the document should be well-written (e.g., distinct intro, body, & conclusion, appropriate use of headings & subheadings, free of typos and grammatical errors), logical, and transparent.  Please pay careful attention to detail when compiling this document.
You are free to use any tools and consult any relevant resources you like to help in development of this document.  For example, several websites provides specific guidance on character, ethics, and personal codes (see attached page for example).  Ultimately, the goal is use a variety of tools that will help you evaluate yourself, organize your thoughts, and communicate your personal code in an effective way.

 From www(dot)allaboutphilosophy(dot)org/personal-code-of-ethics-faq.htmHow do I develop a personal code of ethics?How do I develop a personal code of ethics? Developing your own personal code of ethics is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. A personal code of ethics puts into writing those ideas and philosophies that are the essence of your life and allows you to say I will do this because I believe this. A code of ethics is a document, which you can look to each day not only as a reminder of what you believe in but also as an encouragement to carry on with your daily walk. The main question most people have is “how do I develop a personal code of ethics?” The answer really is quite simple, but it will take a little work and thought on your part. First, take stock of your life. Take the time to write down who you are. This is a reflection of who you believe yourself to be. Think of it this way. If you asked a friend to describe you, what would they say? An example of this would be someone saying to you that you are helpful or that you are kind. List all the traits that anyone has ever pointed out to you. Second, think about what you believe. Make a list of all of your ethical beliefs. Don’t worry about why you believe them just write down as many of your personal beliefs as you can think of. These are the beliefs that carry you through your everyday life and define your decision-making process. Third, think about the places you work, rest, and play and how you relate to all the people you come in contact with. Are there things that you would like to change about these relationships that would involve listing them in a code of ethics? I am not only talking about any obvious things like any misdealing with customers or family members. I am talking about the little things as well, such as gossip, etc. Fourth, now that you have your beliefs written down, think about why you believe them. This is essential because it sets up how important each of your beliefs is to you.Now that you have all the information about who you are and why you believe what you do, it is time to write and develop a personal code of ethics. This is not as hard as you think it might be, but it will take you a little time to think about what you want to include and not include. The first part of your personal code of ethics is the purpose for your personal code of ethics. Are you writing it to regulate your behavior or to inspire you to greater heights? Whatever your reason, this is where you will develop the philosophy behind your code of ethics. The only requirement is that the purpose, as well as the code of ethics, be tailored to your needs. The second part of your personal code of ethics is what I like to call the “I will” section of your personal code of ethics. Go through the list of how people see you and look to see if any match up to what you believe. This is the aspirations section of your document. All the traits that you now exhibit as well as those you wish to develop should be included. The third part of your code of ethics is the rules or beliefs you expect yourself to follow when dealing with other people. These are all the “why’s” listed in the information gathering part of the process of writing a personal code of ethics. In this section, you might want to list some verses that help you to see the importance of applying your personal code of ethics to your life. Once you are done writing the first draft, look it over and refine it as necessary and as changes come in your life. Remember you are writing the code of ethics and it will be up to you to follow it. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal Ethical Principles
As a health care professional, my practice is guided by a code of personal ethical principles. These are the pillars of the quality care that I offer my patients on a daily basis and they form the base of my career. It is crucial for health care providers to have their own code of ethics. These are part of the industry standards, however they have some element of personalized approach. They are a definition of the values and believes that one hold first as a person and secondly as a health care provider. My personal ethical principles include, responsibility, confidentiality, honesty and equality.
The first part of code of ethics that guides my practice is responsibility. This is to mean that every other action that I take, have to be well thought out and executed. If there are consequences of my action I have to take the full responsibility for me and my patient. As such, this helps me to make sure that I am very careful and professional in the way that I interact with the patients. It is crucial to have such a principle as it helps me to stay in check.
The other principle that plays a major role in my practice is that on confidentiality. It is common in my line of work for patient to diverge information that is quite private to them. It is my responsibility to make sure that information is kept private. It is important to note that, most of the patients will share the information...
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